Pinnacles, Lancelin Dunes and Lobster Shack tour Review - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Pinnacles, Lancelin Dunes and Lobster Shack tour Review

If you had been following us, you would have probably read about our Self Drive Holiday to Perth. During the trip, we took a day tour out of Perth City to explore the Pinnacles and Lancelin Sand Dunes. These are the 2 natural formations reachable within a day from Perth and would make a great day out for Perth visitors.
Getting There
Source :  Google Map
Getting to The Pinnacles from Perth is an easy 2 hours plus drive along the Indian Ocean Drive. Along the way, you should plan for a few pitstops to stretch the legs as well as having a toilet break.

Yanchep National Park

Our first stop was Yanchep National Park. This is a vast park where you can find western grey kangaroos as well as Koalas. The Koalas can be found at the Koala boardwalk while you probably need to search for the Kangeroos around the park. We found the elusive Kangaroos at the golf course situated within the park itself. That means a drive off the beaten track to spot one.

Yanchep National Park is a 45 mins drive from Perth City.

 Lobster Shack

After Koala searching, it is time for lunch at the Lobster shack.

Before lunch, we got to tour the factory where the lobsters were processed to be send throughout the world.

Lobster shack is located in Cervantes . It is famous for their Western Rock Lobsters caught off the shores of the Indian Oceans. You can choose to take a tour around the factory if you are there. There is also a seal watching tour and booking is required should you chose to take the tour.

After a quick tour, it is Lobster meal time!

The lobsters we had is the freshest I had tasted to date. It has to be given that it is straight out of the factory. There are various sizes for you to choose from.  We heard the best lobsters are the smaller ones as the meat is tender compared to the matured bigger ones.

Fish and Chips is on the menu for younger kids who prefer something more familiar.

For the fact finders, Lobster Shack is 3039 km from Singapore.

Now you know...

Lobster Shack is a 1 hour 40 minutes drive from Yanchep National Park.
What is 3039km away from Singapore?
The Pinnacles

The highlight of the trip will be The Pinnacles.

The Pinnacles are limestones formation of various sizes found in the Nambung National Park near Cervantes, Western Australia. Expect to see hundreds if not thousands of rock formations around 1 to 3 meters tall scattered along the park.

If you are driving, you can actually drive your car in the park. There is a designated path around the park that will bring you to a loop around the park.

So it is worth the trip to come here?

The Pinnacles might not be as awe-inspiring as the Wave Rock in Perth, but if you want to appreciate the wonders of Nature, you should make this trip to admire the rock formations from seemingly out of the blue in the middle of the desert. 

That itself is worth the trip .

Lancelin Sand Dunes
Last stop of the day was the Lancelin sand dunes.

This is a 2 km stretch of sand inland and has slopes of 45 degrees which are great for sliding down.

At the first glance , the 5 floor high dunes look imposing. You would probably wonder why sands are found so far inland with nary a sea close by. It's a mystery to us how the sand got here.

You could rent a 4wd or a quad bike to ride the sand dunes. The safest way for kids would be to rent one of the surfboard and slide down the slopes. Do get the wax as well for a smooth ride down.

It was a pretty cool experience sliding down. Both adults and kids would love it!

How to get there?
With a GPS and a car, getting to The Pinnacles and Lancelin Sand dunes would not be difficult. We cheated a little and took a day trip excursion instead. It was our first trip to Perth and so we decided to play it safe.  Besides, driving for 6 hours for a day sounds a tad too tiring for us.

Set yourself a day for this trip. Getting to and from Perth to Pinnacles would be a good 6 hours drive in total ( 3 hours both ways)

Want to book a trip?


  1. Hi TWD,

    Thanks for your information on the self drive to Pinnacles. Two of us will be travelling during this September and i cant make up my mind either to follow the tour or by own drive as we are not sure on the roads and traffic rules there. Appreciated if you could provide some advise :)

    1. We took the tour being our first time in Perth. However after a week of driving in Perth, it is actually quite easy to get to the Pinnacle if you head out on your own. You can plan a similar itinerary as above for your trip. Make sure you leave early if you are heading out during winter . It gets dark pretty early and there are limited street lights on the highway on the way back to Perth City.


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