'Flip my day' with ASUS Zenbook Flip - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

'Flip my day' with ASUS Zenbook Flip

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As I sat down one day to think about  what I would write for a post, I thought about the purpose of writing. Penning down my thoughts has now become an addictive hobby.  In fact, I would look forward to creating wacky content for the next post. In a way, it helps me relax and take me away to a spot of solace that I seek from the daily grinds of life.

In short, it makes me happy and 'flips my day'

What to find out what other things I do to 'flip my day?'

1 Developing a passion

As mentioned, writing is what I do to flip my day. The keyboard becomes my springboard and the words the somersaults. Like any hobby, once it becomes a passion, you look to improve it in any possible way. I used to write on a desktop, but with the addition of ASUS Zenbook Flip, it allows me to flip any time, anywhere.

At a diminutive side profile of  13.9mm and a lightweight at 1.3kg, this portable hardware is the assistant I need to Flip my day. At up to 12 hours per charge, it would accompany me throughout the day.

2 Creating memories

Other than writing, the other passion I have is photography. Give me a camera , I would gladly snap away to create memories. Creating memories, especially happy ones, ensures that you will have a vault of happiness to chase away the blues. After the photo-taking sessions, it is time to edit the photos on the ASUS Zenbook Flip.

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3 Happy Kids, Happy Family

As a Dad, let me share with you a secret to happiness. To be happy as a parent, you only need to do one thing... keep the kids happy and the family will be happy. It is no secret sauce but rather a simple rule to follow. Once the kids start 'flipping' , you are sure to flip too. After all, if you cannot beat them, join them.

Ps : Sharing a computer with the kids,  especially the ASUS Zenbook Flip is one way to get them engaged,  especially when they are watching videos of themselves.

4 Travel

Follow the wanderlust and explore the world. A trip to enjoy what the world has to offer would probably do more than just flip your day. It will expand your horizons and worldly encounters.

5 A new experience

Other than travelling, there are tons to do and explore in our little red dot. I would challenge anyone that says that Singapore is a boring place. Just follow our adventures and you would soon be flipping all over Singapore!

6 Sharing a moment

Double the flip by sharing your moments with the ones you love. With a pair of sons for reference , they have more fun together as a team rather than going solo.

7 A healthy body, a happy mind

For one to be able to flip, you need to be healthy and fit.  When I have time, hitting the roads around the neighbourhood is a great way to build up a strong body. I may not be Usain Bolt, but the regular jogs add spring to my leg. It is a well-known fact that exercise releases endorphins, a chemical that helps you fights stress and gives you a natural high.

8 Relaxing and watching online shows

Having a happy day means catching up on my favourite online shows such as Sing! China. Watching it on the Asus Zenbook Flip is an added bonus, especially on the presentation mode.

With a high resolution 13.3 Full HD display, running on the powerful 6th generation Core M, the 178 degrees wide-angle viewing area makes it a good movie companion in Tent or presentation Mode. The Bang & Olufsen ICEpower Audio System gives movie watching an added ompf.

9 Reading

Another thing I enjoy is reading. It does not matter if it is the daily news, the latest blog post or the latest gossip, the thing is I like to read. Reading is knowledge. It makes me a happy camper to be able to keep in touch with what is happening around the word.

10 Getting a new toy

When I am younger, I get thrills whenever I get a new toy. As I grow older, the toys 'mature ' with me.  The feeling is the same whenever I get my hands on a new toy, especially a 'tech' toy.

The Asus ZenBook Flip is the perfect 'toy' to have in helping me getting multiple flips in a day. It acts as my to-go blogging tool. With a unique Jewel Hinge design, it flips into 360 degrees rotatable display, making it a mix of a stylish laptop clad in solid aluminium or a lightweight tablet.

ASUS Zenbook Flip  UX360 Giveaway 

Want to get your hand on the ASUS ZenBook Flip UX360 worth $1298?

Here is you chance to win one in 3 simple steps

1 Like the ASUS Singapore Instagram page

2 Share a photo on Instagram on what flips your day, what motivates you every day!

3 Use the #flipmyday hashtag and tag ASUS Singapore in your post

Contest starts on 29 August and ends 11.59 pm on 22 September 2016.

Do send your photos in and good luck Flipping!

The Wacky Duo was provided a unit for the purpose of this review. No monetary rewards were given for this post and all opinions are of our own.

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