Jobs for the next generation + Tinkercademy Microcamp Giveaway - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Jobs for the next generation + Tinkercademy Microcamp Giveaway

What do you want to be went you grow up?

During my time, it was the norm for parents to tell the kids to aim to be a doctor, lawyer or pilot.
As generations passed, the jobs that parents are channeling their children to had changed. With technological advancement, there will be jobs that will become obsolete with new careers replacing it.

The hip word in today's society is disruptive technology. In the future , this disruptive technology will probably be the norm. Self driven cars could take over Uber jobs, financial advisors will be phase out by Fintech, doctors will be replaced by computer analysis. Repetitive jobs will probably be taken over by robots.

So what will be the hot jobs for the future?

Here is a look into the crystal ball.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Source : Shutterstock

AI is projected to be the next big thing for the past few years. With prototypes such as Sophia getting humanised, it may be just a matter of time AI to be applied in our daily lives. Computing skills and coding are essential tools to master in time to come.

Source : Shutterstock
Going hand in hand with AI, it robotics. AI provides the tool to communicate while Robotics integrate it to human society. Robotics can also stand on its own , replacing humans in certain roles or job functions.

Someone still has to build the robots, so get equipped with the necessary coding skills to make Robotics work for society.

Source : Shutterstock
To build a robot, you need more than coding skills. Engineers are necessary to bring your vision to life. With that thought, mechanical engineers will most likely be a sought after role in the future.

Lifestyle Planners
Source : Shutterstock
With robots taking over the world, it may lead to the possibility of everyone's dream job come true... A 3 day week job.

With that in mind, it would probably mean more time for one to enjoy life. Lifestyle Planners would be on the rise to cater to the new group of workers. One that has more time to play than to work.

Digital Channel Entrepreneurs
Source : Shutterstock

Have you seen the demise of printed media recently. This would probably be the start of the digital revolution. The latest news and review are available online and at your fingertips. With more people accessing news using their phones instead of the newspaper, the digital space will be a source of information and income.

Set up your own website, youtube channel or blog. The successful ones will probably make a decent income from their digital channels.


Source : Shutterstock

Educators are equally important in the future as it is now. With knowledge, we cannot keep abreast of the developments around the world. It is important to keep upgrading our skill sets to get ready for the jobs for the next generation.

Tinkercademy Microcamp Giveaway

To give you a head start, The Wacky Duo is collaborating with Tinkercademy to provide your child with experience in coding.

Tinkercademy is an approved provider for the Code for Fun Enrichment Programme, offered by the Infocomm Media Development Authority and the Ministry of Education. The programme aims to expose MOE primary and secondary school students’ exposure to coding and computational thinking. Learn about Microsoft MakeCode with PXT , Python programming, Arduino and more.

They will be conducting a holiday workshop for kids age 7 - 15 . Choose from the weeklong camps in December such as creative engineer, digital maker, high-tech maker or code artist or sign them up for a microcamp in November to get familiar with programming concepts and electronics components in the process of building their projects.

For full details and timing of the camps, do head to their website for more information.
We have a special discount for our readers.
Tinkercademy Microcamp (Nov)
Readers will get $15 off with the code, THEWACKYDUO.

Link to sign up for our other 5-day camps:
Tinkercademy Dec Camp
Readers will get $50 off with the code, THEWACKYDUO.

Tinkercademy will be providing one slot for readers for the November Microcamp (worth $199). Camp details as follow
  • For kids age 10-13
  • Nov 30-Dec 1
To qualify , simply do the following
1) Be a fan of Tinkercademy and The Wacky Duo on facebook
2) Share this post on facebook AND Tag 2 other friends to qualify.
3) Join the Rafflecopter Below
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Contest Close 16 Nov 2359 

Terms and Conditions
  • All steps to be completed as indicated to qualify
  • Ensure your  shares are set to public for us to verify, otherwise you will be disqualified. Facebook accounts set up to join Giveaways ONLY will be disqualified at the discretion of
  • Open to Singapore residents with a valid Singapore mailing address (No PO Box)
  • Only one winner per household. Duplicate Winners of a similar giveaway on other websites may be disqualify. The final decision will be made by the sponsors.Winners are to provide details of participant for the event. The participant must be age 10-13
  • Prize are subject to change and fulfillment by the sponsor. Winners are not allowed to change the prizes or exchange them for cash. Prizes are not meant to be sold or transferable.
  • is not liable for the prizes indicated including the experience and the event of default by the sponsors.
  • This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram or Blogger. You understand that you are providing your information to and not to any other social platform.

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