NDP Song 2018 - We Are Singapore - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

NDP Song 2018 - We Are Singapore

We Are Singapore is the official NDP Song for 2018

In case you are wondering, this is not a brand new song, by a remix of the 1987 classic by Hugh Harrison. The remix was done by Charlie Lim. The song was performed by Charlie Lim, Vanessa Fernardez , Aisyah Aziz, Shak.thiya Subramaniamm, THELIONCITYBOY, ITE Show Choir and Last year Sing China! contestant Joanna Dong.

It has been getting raves on the early reviews

Why it works

  • Base on an old-time favourite 'We are Singapore'
  • Include the Singapore pledge 'rap'
  • A nice modern groove
  • Visually appealing multicultural videography
  • It even has the infamous THANOS snap at the end of the video - Does it mean our population would not reach 6.9 million in 2030?

Why it might not work

  •  Not as easy to sing as the other NDP song - with the exception of the familiar lyrics, the additional lyrics are pretty forgettable

Here is the original version

Let's sing it - We Are Singapore, Singaporeans!

If you are looking to attend the NDP, try your luck here.
Registration opens today. Click here to register.

Want to listen to the NDP songs of yesteryear?
Do check out our complete list of Singapore NDP Songs here

1 comment:

  1. This is the nice song , I Like the remix of Charlie Lim.


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