Streaming in Secondary School to be abolished & No more GCE N or O Level - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Streaming in Secondary School to be abolished & No more GCE N or O Level

Streaming in Secondary School will be abolished in 2024 and replace with a new system!

Current Situation

There are 3 streams when child progress to Primary School

  • Express
  • Normal Academic
  • Normal Technical

These 3 streams will be replaced by subject base banding. Students would be able to take different subjects at different levels according to their abilities. This is similar to what junior college system where students take subjects at H1, H2 and H3 levels.

For the new system, at the secondary school level, subjects will be mapped into three levels.
G1 - General 1 to replace Normal Technical
G2- General 2 to replace Normal Academic
G3 - General 3 to replace Express

At the end of the 4 years of education, instead of taking N and O levels, all students will sit for one common exam.

Whom will it impact

The system will be introduced in for Sec 1 2024. This means the current Primary 2 and below will be integrated into this system when they head to Secondary School.

What does it mean for Secondary School students in 2024?

If you are a secondary 1 student in 2024, you can take different subjects according to your ability. This implies that the common class concept would have changed in the future.

Why change now?

This change is aim at reducing stigmatization and possible detrimental psychological effect as a result of the streaming process. In addition, it encourages students to mix across different streams to allow more interaction.

One Common Exam

As a result of this change, there will only be one common exam at the end of the 4 years of secondary school. This will replace N and O Levels. The first common exam will start in 2027.

Does it impact ALL secondary Students?
For students who opted for Integrated Programme, there is no change in the current system. These students will skip the Common Exam and proceed to sit for GCE A-Level Exams directly.

In effect, there will be streaming involved in 2024. Students heading to Integrated Programme and students taking the Common Exam route.

This is a step into a new era of education in Singapore. A positive move in the right direction.

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