Tesalate Beach Towel review : Leave the sand on the beach - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Tesalate Beach Towel review : Leave the sand on the beach

Sand Free and Quick Dry Beach Towel?

Are you kidding me?

Tesalate Beach Tower Review

Tesalate Beach Towels
When we first heard about Tesalate Beach Towel, we were both curious and in awe. The specs said that this is a Sand Free, super absorbent and rapid drying towel. Given that we had not seen anything like this before in the market, we decided to partner up with Tesalate to do a product review.

Before we even started, we were already impressed with the various designs available for the beach towels. Forget about your boring white or blue towels, Tesalate Beach Towels comes in chic and colourful designer patterns that would pique your fancy.  Designed in Australia, it has a distinctive Aussie flair to the pattern. We were particularly attracted to the Bohemian Phoneix design and decided that it would be our choice for a beach towel.

First Impression
Tesalate Phoneix

Tesalate full-size beach towels come in 160 cm by 80 cm, good enough to fit one person. If you are looking for a bigger beach towel, they have various designs for towels for two,

The textile of the beach towel is unlike the ones we were used to. Instead of a fluffy textile, it has a smooth surface. This is probably necessary to keep the sand off the beach towel as there are no pockets to trap the sand. Sand can be easily rid with a flick of the towel, making packing up an easy task. Compared to the normal beach towels, it is a big plus as it would mean less hassle to pack and clean.

Say goodbye to Sand

Another of its functional feature is the ultra-absorbent properties. It can easily soak up to 1 liter of water and best of all, drys faster than a regular towel. This means that this towel can double up as a picnic mat as well as a regular drying towel.

Dual design
In terms of design, it has a different pattern on the other side. this meant that you technically have 2 designs in one towel.

Forget about the heavy beach towels, the Tesalate Beach Towels are lightweight and packs easily into a small pouch. If you had ever tried to fit one of those bulky beach towels in your bag, you would know how challenging that could be. With Tesalate's small footprint, it would make a perfect travel beach towel to bring along for your adventures.

The price of convenience and features starts from AUD 82 with free shipping worldwide. It is not exactly the cheapest of towels, but it is the one you would love to bring it to the beach every time.

You can get the Tesalate Beach Towels here.

TWD was provided a Tesalate Beach Towel for review. All opinions are of our own.

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