Primary Schools to introduce coding class : Creating jobs for the next generation? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Primary Schools to introduce coding class : Creating jobs for the next generation?

Coding will be provided for all Upper Primary Students from 2020 onwards

The Education Ministry and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) had teamed up to provide a 10 Hour enrichment programme for 2020. This will be piloted this year in selected schools for pupils after the PSLE.

Named Code For Fun (CFF), it will introduce core computational thinking and coding concepts in pupils through simple visual programming based lessons.

We think this is a good step into the future. There is no denying that technology will dictate the jobs of the future. In this day and age, disruptive technology has begun to take society by storm. In the future, we could see jobs like financial advisors being phase-out by Fintech, doctors replaced by computer analysis, Grab cars to be self-driven and repetitive jobs taken over by robots.

With a crystal ball, we predict that these will be the hot jobs for the future

1 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is projected to be the next big thing for the past few years. With prototypes such as Sophia getting humanised, it may be just a matter of time AI to be applied in our daily lives. Computing skills and coding are essential tools to master in time to come.

2 Digital Channel Entrepreneurs

Have you seen the demise of printed media recently?

 This would probably be the start of the digital revolution. The latest news and review are available online and at your fingertips. With more people accessing news using their phones instead of the newspaper, the digital space will be a source of information and income.

Set up your own website, youtube channel or blog. The successful ones will probably make a decent income from their digital channels. Learning to code could be useful in building a successful website.

3 Educators

Educators are equally important in the future as it is now. With knowledge, we cannot keep abreast of the developments around the world. It is important to keep upgrading our skill sets to get ready for the jobs for the next generation.

4 Engineers

To build a robot, you need more than coding skills. Engineers are necessary to bring your vision to life. With that thought, mechanical engineers will most likely be a sought after role in the future. This is probably one of the 'traditional' roles that will survive the digital age.

5 Lifestyle Planners

With automation, it would probably mean more time for one to enjoy life. 

Lifestyle Planners would be on the rise to cater to the new group of workers  - one that has more time to play than work...

6 Programmer

This is a no brainer. With coding encoded in every child, everyone can be a programmer. With the possible influx of local talents, Singapore might just be the next Silicon Valley. Computer Science will be the next hot course to enrol in University.

7 Robotics

Going hand in hand with AI, it robotics. AI provides the tool to communicate while Robotics integrate it to human society. Robotics can also stand on its own, replacing humans in certain roles or job functions.

Someone still has to build the robots, so get equipped with the necessary coding skills to make Robotics work for society

8 System Security

With the rise in knowledge of coding, there is a possible dark side to this... hackers. To counter this, system security would be in big demand for the future.

So...are you ready for the next evolution?

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