KFC Vegan Fried Chicken - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

KFC Vegan Fried Chicken

KFC could be your next Vegan destination.

Wait, what?

KFC is the place to go for your fried chicken fix. Colonel Sanders has done a great job for both its original and crispy fried chicken variants. It is probably the last place to go if you want to go meat-free.

Well, this would be history if KFC's customer decides otherwise. Colonel Sanders will be serving vegan fried chicken and it might just prove to be finger-lickin' good. KFC will be testing plant-based fried chicken from Beyond Meat in the USA this week. If you are heading to Atlanta, you are in for a treat.

One thing though, the Beyond Fried Chicken will be cooked in the same fryers with the real stuff. Those that are on strict vegetarian or vegan diets might want to take note.

Vegan burgers are already popping everywhere in Singapore. No news if this will make it to Singapore but if Vegan chicken comes to town, would you try it?

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