School Terms and holidays for 2020 (Primary, Secondary , Junior Colleges, Millennia Institute ) - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

School Terms and holidays for 2020 (Primary, Secondary , Junior Colleges, Millennia Institute )

School terms and holidays have just been released by MOE

It may be a tad too early to plan for the holidays, but this will give you a head start.

Primary and Secondary School Terms

Semester 1
T 1
Thursday 2 January to Friday 13 March
T 2
Monday 23 March to Friday 29 May

Semester 2
T 3
Monday 29 June to Friday 4 September
Monday 14 September to *Friday 20 November

Primary and Secondary School Holidays

Semester 1
Between Terms 1 and 2
Saturday 14 March to Sunday 22 March
Between Semesters 1 and 2
Saturday 30 May to Sunday 28 June

Semester 2
Between Terms 3 and 4
Saturday 5 September to Sunday 13 September
At the End of School Year
Saturday 21 November to Thursday 31 December

 Junior Colleges School Terms
Semester 1
T 1
Thursday 2 January to Friday 13 March
T 2
Monday 23 March to Friday 29 May

Semester 2
T 3
Monday 29 June to Friday 4 September
T 4
Monday 14 September to *Friday 20 November

 Junior Colleges School Holidays
Semester 1
Between Terms 1 and 2
Saturday 14 March to Sunday 22 March
Between Semesters 1 and 2
Saturday 30 May to Sunday 28 June

Semester 2
Between Terms 3 and 4
Saturday 5 September to Sunday 13 September
At the End of School Year
Saturday 21 November to Thursday 31 December

Millennia Institute School Terms

Semester 1
Year 1
Year 2
T 1
Wednesday 5 February to Friday 13 March
Monday 6 January to Friday 13 March
T 2
Monday 23 March to Friday 29 May

Semester 2
Year 1
Year 2
T 3
Monday 29 June to Friday 4 September
T 4
Monday 14 Sep to Friday 27 November
Monday 14 September to end of ‘A’-Level exams


Millennia Institute School Holidays

Semester 1
Year 1
Year 2
Between Terms 1 and 2
Saturday 14 March to Sunday 22 March
Between Semesters 1 and 2
Saturday 30 May to Sunday 28 June

Semester 2
Year 1
Year 2
Between Terms 3 and 4
Saturday 5 September to Sunday 13 September
At the End of School Year
Saturday 28 November to Thursday 31 December
End of ‘A’ Level exams to Thursday 31 December

Scheduled School Holidays for 2020

Youth Day
*Sunday 5 July
(Monday, 6 July 2020 will be a scheduled school holiday)
Teachers’ Day
Friday 4 September
Children’s Day
(for primary schools and primary sections of full schools only)
Friday 9 October

Public holidays for 2019
New Year’s Day
Wednesday 1 January
Chinese New Year
Saturday 25 January
*Sunday 26 January
Good Friday
Friday 10 April
Labour Day
Friday 1 May
Vesak Day
Thursday 7 May
Hari Raya Puasa
**Sunday 24 May
Hari Raya Haji
Friday 31 July
National Day
***Sunday 9 August
****Saturday 14 November
Christmas Day
Friday 25 December
*Monday, 27 Jan, will be a public holiday & Tuesday, 28 Jan, will be a school holiday.
**Monday, 25 May, will be a public holiday.
***Monday, 10 Aug, will be a public holiday.
****Monday, 16 Nov, will be a school holiday.

Start planning your annual leave now!

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