Long Live the Bat - Batman Run 2019 report - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Long Live the Bat - Batman Run 2019 report

"It's not who I am Underneath, but what I do that defines me"

Batman turns 80 this year. To mark the occasion, we decided to take up the challenge and head to Batman Run 2019 at Marina Barrage. This was the first Batman Run in Singapore and the first night run we participated. It was also the longest run we did - 4Km.

The Batman run was split into 2 categories. You have the family-friendly 4km runs and the 8km challenge. Using this opportunity to bond with the younger Wackie, it's a Daddy and Son outing for this run.

As you have known, the haze had descended onto our island. Under the misty condition akin to Gotham City, we joined hundreds of bat fans and donned our Batman mask and cape to take up the mantle of defender of Gotham. The masks may not be N95 certified but the air cleared up to let us have a smooth run.

At the start of the race, we were greeted by Batman and his well-known foes. Our 4km route took us across the bridge of Marina Barrage, Bay East Gardens, Flower Dome, Artscience Museum before we detour back to Marina Barrage.  It was quite a route that took us to close an hour to complete.

Thankfully, it was a night run and we were distracted by Gotham Singapore beautiful nightscape to notice the distance. The sparkling city shone and mesmerised us during the whole journey.

We do not know how we did it, but we managed to complete the whole course.

We may not be a superhero. Batman himself was not one. 
But like Batman, we have only one power, we never give up!

At the finishing point, we were rewarded with a Batman insignia. There were carnival games and even a post-run workout for participants after the race. It looked like fun but we had used up our superpowers for the day.

In the end, it was a great Father and Son Bonding session. If Batman run was to return next year, we would gladly have another go at it.

Our Reward

Till the next race!

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