Raffles Institution and MOE Language Centre ( Bishan) to be suspended for 1 Day due to COVID 19 - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Raffles Institution and MOE Language Centre ( Bishan) to be suspended for 1 Day due to COVID 19

There is a confirmed case of a student from RI for COVID19.

It is confirmed on Feb 27 that a Sec 1 student from Raffles Institution has been diagnosed with COVID19 (Case 96). He is related to Case 94. He was unwell on Feb 21 and has not been in school since then,

As a result of the diagnosis, the following measures had been implemented

  • Suspension of School from Year 1 to 6 tomorrow, Friday 28 for thorough cleaning and disinfecting of school premises. The school will resume on Monday 2 March 2020
  • 14 day Leave of Absence (LOA) for students, teachers and staff who had recently come into contact with the student
  • Suspension of CCA for Year 1 to 6 in RI for 2 weeks.
At the same time, the student had attended a language class on Thursday 20 Feb at MOE Language Centre (Bishan)

  • Classes will be suspected for 1 day
  • Students, teachers and staff at the Language Center ho were in close contact will be issued a 14 day LOA

Point to Note
Case 96 is related to Case 94 (also confirmed today), Case 94 had symptoms since Feb 11.

For the latest Update from MOE, do refer here

Source  : MOE

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