What Panic Buying? Unsung heroes replenished shelves overnight - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

What Panic Buying? Unsung heroes replenished shelves overnight

Heros do not wear cape.

Overnight Singapore faced a mini-run on Supermarkets. Panic buying sets in and cleared the shelves of  Toilet Rolls, Instant Noodles and Rice all over the island
Empty Shelves 8 Feb NTUC Marine Parade

Scenes like these were the norm in the bigger supermarkets.

Despite assurance by the government that stockpiles are healthy, you have a sense of disbelief on the ground. Many doubting Thomas express no confidence in the statement.

Fair price Katong V 9 Feb

Yet, the next day, when we visited the supermarket at Katong V during midday, we witness first hand that stores are replenished. Instead of empty shelve that many feared, shelves were beginning to fill. They do not magically appear on their own. It was the sheer hard work of the team at the Supermarkets that made it work.
Fair price Katong V 9 Feb

Fair price Katong V 9 Feb

Fair price Katong V 9 Feb

The staff replenished as fast as they could so that there are assurance that stocks are indeed in place. Our eyes do not deceive us. Stocks are aplenty. In fact, the insane queues the day before seem to have disappeared. With Fairprice, the epicentre of panic buying, limiting its daily items sale, sanity seemed to have returned to the fold.


In the midst of it all, we would like to thank the staff that made it happened. The many nameless staff who worked dedicatedly to stock up the supplies. With the community outbreak of the Coronavirus, they braved the crowds to make sure the shelves are full. Not only those who needed the items get to buy some, those who fear are also appeased.
Thank you!

Thank you for your hard work, your dedication, your patience.

We are not the only one that are thankful. There are many who felt the same way as us.

Last but not least, there are many other unsung heroes in our midst.

  • To the crew that flew fearlessly to Wuhan to pick up fellow Singaporeans
  • To the frontline staff at immigration that stood strong to guard our borders despite the risk
  • To the Doctors and Nurses took the roles of caregivers willingly in times of uncertainty
  • To the many others that continue their normal daily roles and not turn away to give Singapore a sense of normalcy during this challenging period.

We salute you.

Thank you.

If you still doubt the availability, here is a video that was taken this morning

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