Enhanced Care and Support - Benefiting ALL Adult Singaporeans - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Enhanced Care and Support - Benefiting ALL Adult Singaporeans

The Care and Support package announced in the Unity Package has been enhanced.

Under the Resilience Budget, the one-off cash payment will be tripled.

Who qualifies?

All Singaporeans aged 21 and above in 2020.
This would include Grandparents who had retired, Stay Home Moms and Dads and all working adults regardless of what type of houses they stay in. The eligible citizen will receive $900, $600 or $300 depending on income. Those that own more than one property will only receive $300 regardless of income.

Source: Singapore Resilience  Budget
Parents with Singapore Child aged 20 and below in 2020 will get more
For eligible parents, you will receive an additional $300 instead of $100

All Singaporeans aged 50 and above in 2020 will get Passion Card top-up in Cash instead

How Much can you get
The maximum amount a couple with kids under 20 can get

If you are age 50 and above and each declared assessable income for the Year of 2019 to be $28000 or less, you will get a total of $2200

If you are age 50 and below and each declared assessable income for the Year 2019 to be $28000 or less, you will get a total of $2000

This is only part of the components of the Enhanced Care and Support package. The full components are from here. The rest of the components will take into account your residence type to qualify. They include Workfare Special Payment, Grocery Vouchers, GST Vouchers, Service and Conservancy Charges and Grants to SHGs and CDCs

Payment date
No confirmation on payment date but base on past payouts, it is expected to be made in August.

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