Daily Dose : Covid19 Hightlights Apr 17 - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Daily Dose : Covid19 Hightlights Apr 17


Good Morning. Today's Daily Dose will be a hard pill to swallow.

1) 728 new cases in Singapore It is another day high for Singapore. -Cases in the community: 48 The reported cases are higher than the average of 38 for the week. -Work Permit holders (residing outside dormitories): 26 The number of new cases amongst Work Permit holders residing outside dormitories has increased, from an average of 9 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 15 per day in the past week. -Work Permit holders (residing in dormitories): 654 This high number is due to the aggressive testing at the dorms. 5 new clusters -Leo Dorm (21) -SJ Dorm (7) -Westlite Mandai (31) -Grandworkd Building (7) -17 Sungei Kadut Street (6)

While the numbers look high, it is expected base on the aggressive testing. Given the numbers confined in the dorms, do not be surprise to see 10-20K confirm cases from this segment.

Source :MOH 2) News of 728 was leaked as early as Afternoon Several alternative sites reporting the numbers before it was reported late in the night at 11pm. 2 questions -Had the data been breached once more? -Would the official news be out much earlier?
While we understand that the authorities want completeness in the report, there are many Singaporeans who are emotionally invested in this. Could consider releasing an overview at an earlier fixed time followed by the full report thereafter.

3) Bangladeshi Worker Moves out of ICU
One of the more critical cases had moved out of ICU. The Bangladeshi'swife had a child delivered when he was in ICU

Source: CNA

4) Bak Kut Teh Man convicted
Man who broke SHN for Bak Kut Teh is convicted. Awaiting Sentencing. Prosecutors are asking for 10-12 weeks jail term

Source : ST 5) Starhub to compensate uses hit by internet outrage with 20% monthly fee discount At least there is some 'justice' done Source : Today 6) FW to house at Home Team Academy Schools will be included in the list to Source: ST
7) Changi Exhibition Center will be converted tocommunity isolation facility

This would the 3rd Community Isolation Facility added Source: ST 8) Peak hours guide to Market

If you are planning a visit , avoid these times Source :TWD 9) Pawnshops to resume business as essential services This is in anticipation of those who might need the cash flow Source: Today

10) 50 People fined for Day 10

There are still people who do not get the memo

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