Solidarity Payment: 10 ways to spend your $600 - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Solidarity Payment: 10 ways to spend your $600

Check your bank account

You should be receiving $600 from the Government under the Solidarity Fund. For those who had lost income or jobs during this period, this would provide some relief.

Here are what you could get for $600

1) Save the money

You never know when you need the funds on a rainy day. With the end day of the pandemic remaining in the distance future, it may be wiser to save up now.

2) Get one Month Supply of Grocery

Given that most of us will be staying at home, the funds will be needed to top up grocery supplies for a month. For most family, the bill will be higher than before as Work From Home (WFH) and Home Base Learning (HBL) meant more will be staying at home than compared in the past.

3) Ta Pao food for 4 for one month

At a budget of $5 per pax. you can purchase one meal a day from the hawkers.  Enough to feed a family of 4 for a month.

4) Pay for 2 months of utility bills
Let's face it, as we stayed indoors more often, the utility bills are going to increase. From using air con to washing the kitchen after cooking, most will see bills increase by 30% or so. The payout should be sufficient to cover a 4 room flat expense for the next 2 months.

If you want to save more, sign up with an OEM electricity retailer. See why we choose Geneco here.

5) Get a new laptop for HBL

For families who are doing both WFH and HBL. It may be necessary to have additional laptops. There are some laptops suitable for HBl going for less than $600.
For the lower-income family, you could get a subsidised PC from $224.97 with an option to bundle 3 years free fibre broadband. More details here

6) Purchase a Workstation

Using one desk for HBL and WFH?
You might need another workstation for some privacy.
You can get workstations online from these selected places

7) Subscribe to Netflix and Apple TV

You need something to keep you at home right?
The best way to do so is to keep yourself entertained. With Netflix and Apply TV, you would have access to thousands of movies, k dramas and more. The $600 would be able to cover the whole year of entertainment with a chunk of change.

8) Support Local, Get a Prism TV
Source Prism TV

You need a big screen if you are subscribing to cable. The local company, Prism is launching it's range of 4k Smart TV with direct Netflix and youtube access. The price for a 55 inch TV is a steal at $599. Promo ends in a few days!

9) Get a chest freezer

To cut down on the frequent grocery runs, it might be wise to invest in a chest freezer. This would reduce visits to supermarkets and wet markets.

10 ) Donate your solidarity payment
For those who are self-sufficient and not impacted by the current situation, you might want to consider a good deed. You can donate the funds to those who need it more.
Here are some agencies to consider

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