Singapore Daily Dose : 2 Weeks - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Singapore Daily Dose : 2 Weeks

Good Morning.

In case you do not know, it's the weekend!
It's about 2 weeks more before CB ends. In the meantime, grab a cuppa and enjoy your daily dose of Covid19 news.

1) 793 cases reported
791 Work Permit Dorms
2 Community Spread (1 SC / PR 1 Work Permit outside Dorm)

The Work Permit outside dorm broke its zero cases winning streak with 1 new case. What is more disturbing is that the 1 SC is an unlink case. Even after 6 weeks of CB, this still happens which imply that there are cases in the community that remains undetected.

On a positive note, 1275 cases were discharged, making it the highest number of discharge since CB started.

Source: MOH

2) 5 new clusters 
These clusters are mostly in factory converted dorms. This implies that the dorm situation continues to be trending.The last reported number of cases in dorms is about 30K. We have only tested 10% of the dorm population, so there is a long way to go.

Source: MOH

3) Too early to say which countries Singapore will first lift Covid19

At our infection rate, it may be hard to convince other countries to open up to us and not the other way around.

For other countries, it is unlikely that they are going to segregate the numbers by work permit holders vs community. Most likely, they will look at the country numbers as a whole.

It will be interesting to see which country would open up to us first

Source: ST

4) The construction sector can gradually resume work from June 2
Do not expect full-scale opening as only 10 % of workforce is clear for this.

Source: ST

5) Private Home Sales Plunge 58 % in April
No viewing = No sale?

Source: CNA

5) 5 charged with Circuit Breaker Offence

CB brings out the worse in people

Source: Today

6) Man charged with saying he had coronavirus and coughing at another man

Would he be remanded for IMH test?

Source: CNA

7) New Covid19 test developed in Singapore detects past infection within an hour.

While this is good, it cannot be used to check for active infection

Source: CNA

8) Swabbers and Swab assistant wanted
Starting pay at $3400. The 'high' pay had also bought comparison with nurses who are paid lower base on basis pay.

Source: TNP

9) Man charged with sending food to friend's house, eating with her and drink-driving and speeding on the expressway

At least 3 charges against him. He was probably caught speeding. The question is how did the police find out about the visit?

Source: CNA

10) Cancer Patients are vulnerable group during Covid-19

Not surprising given Covid-19 cause fatality in people with underlying condition.

Source: CNA

11) Razer ' Free' Mask cast doubts on intention.
To get the mask, one needs to sign up for RazerPay. To do so, one needs to provide copies of IC (Front and Back) and a selfie This lead to calls of potential data mining and privacy invasion.

Source: AsiaOne

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