Daily Dose: I am Sovereign - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Daily Dose: I am Sovereign

Good Morning

Back to another week of HBL and WFH.

School Term ends today, so that may be a load of parents who WFH, or it may not. Regardless, we still have to have our daily dose!

1) Hitting past 18K with 657 cases
Work Permit Holders: 626
Community cases: 31 (13 SC/PR/WP, 18 Work Permit Holders not in Dorms)

The cases for Work Permit Holders in dorms is still high. As for the 18 cases of work permit holders not in dorms, it would be good to have an indication of where they live. It is confusing if factory converted dorms are part of the list or if the numbers include those that live in public or private housing?

Source: MOH

With over 660000 migrant workers in HDB, Condos and private estates, the continuing infection could pose a threat to the community at large.

The latter would have significance on the possible spread to the community at large.

Source: Today

2) 6 new clusters 
6 from industrial factories/workshops/ factories dorms. The industrial estates has been hit hard with most having clusters of sorts. This is worrisome as the virus seems to spread beyond the confines of the dorms. It also implies that many of these sectors ( building, construction, manufacturing) might take longer to recover with the hit on manpower


3) New Summary for Sporean / PR  annex on MOH
After a long hiatus, the summary for Sporean/PR cases is back. This is useful so we can understand if the spread is from links or unknown sources. This information can be found on Annex C.

From the list, there are locals who had worked in Dorms.

Source: MOH

4) 18 death from Covid-19
86 year old Female Citizen pass away from complication. Diagnosed with Coivid-19 on Apr 27

Source: MOH

5) Police investigating repeat offender who refused to wear a mask and allegedly assaulted another woman at Shunfu Market

She is a Singaporean but claim that she is a Sovereign- we the People. A quack 'Sovereign Citizen concept originated from US where they are not governed by laws of the countries.

Source: Today

Stay Safe!

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