The new 'normal' after Circuit Breaker? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

The new 'normal' after Circuit Breaker?

Circuit Breaker ends in 28 days time

We are at the halfway mark of Circuit Breaker. As the countdown begins to the (hopeful) end of Circuit Breaker, here is a look at what life might be like after we return to 'normal'.

1 The new 'Normal'
Back to normal would probably be too optimistic given the spread of COVID19 in Singapore. At 18K+ and counting, it will be an impossible dream to expect everything to go back. Do not expect crowds at attractions, mass events such as concerts or even a National Day Parade. While some of the measures may be lifted, we think going back to pre Covid19 would not be a pipe dream.

2 Mask On

Mask will be a must even when Circuit Breaker is over. Unless Singapore records 0 cases for consecutive days (including infection at the dorms), we would require to wear a mask after Circuit Breaker.

3 Keep your distance
Given the 'training' we received over the course of 8 weeks of the Circuit Breaker, we would probably be keeping our distance in crowded areas. The 1 meters ruling would probably still remain when CB is over. People would most likely still remain reserve and keep physical contacts to a minimum

4 Business not as usual
Working from home should continue to be the norm for now for certain sectors. Even if CB measures are lifted, Minister Chan had indicated that working from home would 'likely to continue even beyond the circuit breaker measures'.

5 Schools may need a new timetable
Schools are scheduled to be open for graduating cohorts. Depending on the infection progress in Singapore, there is a chance that schools may not open fully in June. There might be staggered timing or days when the familiar Home Base Learning (HBL) is needed.

6 Beaches to open?

Should CB be eased and if people are heading back to schools and work, beaches may be allowed to open. Should crowds be formed and Social Distancing not observed, it may be close again. We think the latter may happen especially if community cases rises when beaches open. It is quite apparent that locals would grab any opportunities to head out. The fact that it turned half the nation to joggers is testimony to the statement.

7 Time to visit family and friends, but no more than 10 please
Social visits to families may allow similar to pre-Apr 7 guidelines. There might be a limit to how many people can gather on a social setting.

8 Mass Gatherings may not happen
Religious gathering, the opening of attractions, concerts, musicals and even theatres may still be close after CB.  That goes for pubs and nightspots too.

Zoom parties and Google Meet religious celebrations look likely to continue even after Circuit Breaker.

9 Malls back in business?
We are hoping that retailers will be allowed back to operate after CB. Closing up malls for a long time would not be good for landlords and shops. However, we think dining in might still take a while to be reinstated after Circuit Breakers.

10 NDP will be celebrated virtually

By June, the rehearsal for NDP would be in full swing. Given the lack of rehearsals due to COVID19, we would probably not see any major parades this year. Depending on the situation, we may go back to the past where celebrations are held in decentralised site. One thing for sure, the traditional fireworks at Marina Bay would likely be scrapped.

The New Norm
In honesty, while some business may open, it will not change much from today. While we might be allowed to venture out, there will still be plenty of reason not to do so. Nonetheless, even with Circuit Breaker today, we still see people venturing out nonchalantly. The fear is that the removal of Circuit Breaker might lead to a pend up horde eager to step out of the confines of their home without a care in the world.

Even when Circuit Breaker is removed, we still have to remain cautious. If we fail to do so, do not be a surprise if Circuit Breaker II is introduced in the near future. For all you know, lifting of the CB may be a non-event if most restrictions are still in place.

These are our prediction of what life might be like after Circuit Breaker.

 What's yours?

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