Daily Dose: A tale of 2 cities - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Daily Dose: A tale of 2 cities

Good Morning.

Cases are on a rise in Singapore while our neighbours Malaysia began to ease MCO. Here is another Daily Dose to start your weekend.

1) 932 cases new cases, more than 17K cases to date
905 Work Permit Dorms
27 Community ( 11 Spore/PR/WP, 16 Work Permit outside Dorms)

The numbers from the dorms are still increasing. Given the spread as seen from new clusters such as factory dorms, expect this to remain high for the next week ahead.

Currently, we have 23 in ICU and 1764 cases in hospital

Source: MOH

2) 7 new clusters including factory dorms.

A glance into the factory dorms include areas like Sungei Kadut Loop, Kaki Bukit Road, Tuas. These are situated in highly dense industrial areas that include other industries such as car workshops.

With around 80% of the dorms confirmed to have cases, Singapore has dropped the ball on this. With factory converted dorms added, the infection rate in FW may be much higher than anticipated.

Source: MOH

3) 16 deaths from COVID19
60 year old Singaporean admitted on Apr13 had passed away. He is the 16 official Covid19 related death in Singapore

Source: Today

4) Johor reported 3 new Coronavirus cases imported from Singapore

Trio was tested positive while undergoing mandatory isolation at one of the quarantine stations. The quarantine stations were announced by Johor for returnees from Singapore on Apr 24. Thus, if this was accurate, it would imply that they had caught the virus in Singapore. This would also mean we have undetected asymptomatic cases among us.

Source: ST

5) 102 year old is Singapore's oldest coronavirus survivor
Mdm Yap was among 16 residents at Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home who caught the virus in April

Source: ST

6) Stay Home notice extended for Work Permit and Pass holders in the construction sector
This will include dependents as well. They will now serve their SNH until 18 May

Source: MOM

7) New facilities to be built to house mildly ill and recovering workers in dorms.

New dorms will be built to house the healthy. At the same time, those recovered may be send back to the dorms in designated blocks.

This was one of our mooted idea for alternative rehousing of recovered covid19 FW

Given the construction  freeze, new dorms will not be ready until it is lifted

Source: ST

8) 4000 workers tested in the past 3 days?
On Apr 27, it was mentioned that 21,000 workers had been tested. On May 1, it was reported that more than 25,000 workers had been tested. It implies an increase of 4000 tests in 3 days.

For the past 3 days before yesterday, we had since numbers dropping to 500-600 range. As implied by the numbers of tests, this drop may not be the result of lesser infection rate. More likely it is the result of reduce testing as compared to the 3000 average earlier indicated.

Source: ST

9) Man who broke Covid 19 rules by sleeping over in a friend's house in at Signature Park Condo

The man had spent a few days in the condo and had sneak in the estate through the car park

Source: CNA

10) Singapore recovered foreign workers to be house on Superstar Cruise Ship

The first batch will be on Superstar Gemini, Superstart Aquarius was also earmarked for this purpose

Source: CNA

11) Grant given for Employee (Full Time/Part time) who was retrenched or put on no pay leave or suffered loss of income of 30%

This is a new support grant for employees.

Read more at TWD

12) Malaysia to ease restrictions on MCO on Monday

The "conditional MCO" bars Malaysians from joining activities involving body contact such as football, rugby, swimming at public pools, religious mass gatherings and Ramadan food bazaars.

Source: ST

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