Who will go back to School on June 2 and what are the safety measures? - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Who will go back to School on June 2 and what are the safety measures?

Circuit Breaker will cease on June 1

However, it does not mean that all students will head back to school on June  2.

Who will be heading back to school on June 2


 Graduating primary and secondary students
Primary 6, Sec 4 and 5 will attend schools from Monday to Fridays when Term 3 starts on June 2

Infant care and Playgroup
All students will return from June 10

N1 and N2
All students will return from June 8

K1 and K2
All students will return from June 2,

Primary and Secondary
Which Batch will return to school for the first 4 weeks?
Source: MOE

Students in other cohorts will rotate weekly between home-based learning and returning to school for lessons.

For Junior College and MI
Source: MOE

Arrangements will be made for half of the students to return to school at any one time.

Students from Assumption Pathway School (APS) and Northlight School (NLS) will return to school in staggered process with all students back by June 8.

For Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs)

Source: MOE

All students will return to school from Monday to Friday. The timetable will be in tandem with boarder easing at National Level.

Measures in School

  • All students and staff will have temperatures taken daily.
  • Any student who is unwell or have adult household members on home quarantine, stay home notice or unwell will be required to stay at home.
  • Fixed exam-style seating will be implemented in the classroom.
  • Space seating in canteens.
  • Arrival, dismissal and recess will be staggered.
  • Students will be required to wear masks of face shields.
  • PE lessons will continue with strict adherence to safe measures.
  • NAPFA to be cancelled.
  • National exams candidates are to wear masks or face shields during the exams.
  • Students on home quarantine order, stay home notice and leave of absence will not be allowed to sit for these exams and will take year-end teams instead.
  • All National School games competition will be cancelled

CCA to be suspended. However, it could be replaced with eCCA - conducted by coaches , instructors or CCA teachers using digital means.

Tuition and Enrichment centres will continue to be suspended.

MOE centred bases lessons will resume for graduating cohort in small classes with staggered timings

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