Phase 2 to start on June 19 : What you can and cannot do. - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Phase 2 to start on June 19 : What you can and cannot do.

Phase 2 comes much earlier than expected.

Initially, Phase 2 was supposed to be considered by the end of the month. Now, it has pushed earlier to THIS FRIDAY, June 19. It's a surprise considering that the average number of community cases actually went up for the past 2 weeks.

What can you do in Phase 2

  • Restaurants and hawker centres to allow dining in with no more than 5 per table
  • Standalone stores such as Bubble Tea will reopen

  • Face to face visits at a nursing home can resume with precautionary measures
  • All healthcare services and services for seniors, including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), aesthetic services, eldercare services and senior activity centres will gradually be allowed to open

  • Social Gathering in groups of 5 would be allowed
  • Households can receive up to 5 visitors at any one time


  • Retail shops will be able to reopen
  • Larger public venues with high human traffic such as malls and standalone retail outlets will be subject to capacity limits

  • From June 29, students will return to school daily. No more alternate weeks for primary and secondary schools
  • Institutes of Higher Learning- Will gradually increase the number of students back on campus for face to face learning
  • Private tuition centers , enrichment or piano lessons can resume
  • Homebase Tuition to resume 

  • Personal Health and Wellness are allowed
  • Parks, sports and other public facilities including stadiums, swimming pools, golf courses, bowling centres and fitness studios to be reopened
  • Sports facilities in condominiums and clubs to reopen
  • Playgrounds, beaches, lawns, stadia to be reopened
  • Registered clubs and societies will be allowed to operate at their registered premises

Wedding, wakes and funerals
  • Up to 20 people will be allowed to attend weddings at other venues outside one's home or the Registry of Marriage excluding Solemnizer.
  • Up to 20 people can be present at wakes and funerals, up from the current limit of 10

  • When possible, employees should continue to work from home
  • Companies should maintain split team arrangements, which will allow the business to continue to function in the event of an outbreak

What you cannot do

Attend Religious Services
  • Religious service and congregations, conferences and trade fairs will not be allowed yet

Don’t wear masks 
  • Masks will remain a must when people head outdoors including schools. 

Go for a wild night of Entertainment
  • Live music, television and video screenings will not be allowed at all food and beverage outlets
  • Liquor sales and consumptions to ceased by 1030om
  • Karaoke outlets, bars, nightclubs, cinemas, theatres are not allowed to open

Ignore Safe  distancing 
  • Safe Distancing is still a must with at least 1m from others.
  • If not feasible, groups of no more than five persons should be at least 1m apart with no mixing between the group.

Selected enrichment classes are not allowed
  • Classes such as  singing or voice training classes not allowed

Visit Attractions
  • Libraries, museums and other large cultural and entertainment venues will not be allowed to resume
  • Indoor and outdoor attractions will take more time

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