Daily Dose June 15 : Secrets - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Daily Dose June 15 : Secrets

Daily Dose: Secrets 
Sunday was rather uneventful save for the disclosure of an imported case and the leaks of Phase 2 plans by a public servant. 

The former raises a few eyebrows as travels are not allowed for all short term visitors with exceptions from visitors from CHina from 8 June for essential visits.

The latter was not the first time a public officer had leaked state secrets. Interestingly, it was cited that dates are already set for Phase 2 despite the assurance that Phase 2 will only proceed after assessing the situation mid of June. However, without viewing the actual message, this could not be verified.

1) 407 cases confirmed
397 Dorms
9 Community 
1 imported case

The 1 imported case is interesting. Previous guidelines did state that all short term visitors were barred from entry. The case involved a Bangladeshi National who arrived to seek medical treatment in Singapore.

Meanwhile, dorm cases remain high. For cases in the community, 4 SC were detected due to surveillance of people working in dorms. Interestingly, the parents of the infected students have not turned up on the numbers.

2)  Boon Lay Shopping Centre and NTUC Fairprice Lengkong 
Bahru added to the list of places Covid19 cases had visited

-9 Jun 2015h to 2045h NTUC FairPrice (20 Lengkok Bahru)
-10 Jun 1100h to 1130h Boon Lay Shopping Centre (221 Boon Lay Place)

3) Public Servant Arrested for Leaking Phase 2 Plans via Whatsapp

He had shared the information on June 11. This is the 3rd leaks by public officials following leaks on Covid19 case figures as well as leaks on HBL.

4) ST Survey ruffled some feathers
The list of top 5 non-essential jobs is the bearbug of the survey as it implies certain occupations are not important.

5) All 47 St Anthony Casnossian Sec Students tested negative after being on close contact with schoolmate with Covid19

The student, 15 was reported positive this week. This is an indication that testing is now more vigorous.

6) Singapore pools to resume online sports betting, horse wagering

It will resume today. 4D , Toto and Singapore Sweep remain suspended. Prize payment also remains on hold.

Interestingly, the number of sports events and horse racing had diminish since Covid19.

7) Cyclists continue to flout COVID 19 rules

A group of 15 cyclists spotted riding together on the streets.

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