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Good News and Bad News

Daily Dose: Good news and Bad news

The  Bad News
The numbers of Covid19 cases spike up from 200+ to 900+ in one day. However, this was expected as we are in the last few days of completing these tests in the dorms. 

The Good news
The official word is that the testing will end by tomorrow (Friday).

That said, the last batch of FW tested belong to the high-risk group ( dorms with high infection rate). Expect to see the numbers in thousands for the next 2 days. After that, when dorms are completed, the numbers are likely to fall dramatically to around 10-20 base on the pass week numbers for imported and community cases.

1) 908 new Covid19 cases
903 Dorms
1 Community
4 Imported ( 3 DP holders, 1 ST Visit Pass Holders)
As mentioned earlier, the spike is due to the final testing of dorms. Dorms testing are expected to be cleared by Friday. 
The imported cases include an ST visit pass holder even though ST visit is not allowed in Singapore. The exception was that she is an elderly whose family are Singapore residents. As per yesterday, all imported cases are from India.
No SC or PR are reported with Covid19.

2) Imm, Popular bookstore visited by infectious COVID 19 cases
Do note if you had been to the following locations.

IMM mall on July 22 between 8.15pm and 8.45pm

The popular bookstore at Jurong Point mall on July 26 between 12.05pm and 2.30pm

3)  46 firms added to MOM watchlist for suspected discriminatory hiring practises against Singaporeans
At one wealth management firm here, almost three-quarters of its professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs) are of the same nationality, and they are not Singaporean!
Of the 47 firms, 30 are in financial services.

4) Aug COE 1st Bid -COE rises across the board

CAT B has the highest increase, rising more than 20% more than pre circuit breaker days

5) IPPT for NSmen suspended for another month till Sep30
No need to start jogging so soon for NSmen

6) Singapore Dengue hits record of 22403, surpassing 2013 high

With nearly five months to go before the end of the year, the number of dengue cases has surpassed the 22,170 recorded in 2013, which was the previous largest dengue outbreak in Singapore. 20 people had died from Dengue for this year. Youngest was 25 years old!

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