Happy Birthday Singapore! - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Happy Birthday Singapore!


Happy Birthday, Singapore!

It had been a crazy 2020 with Covid19 threaten to derail us. Together, we stood tall amidst these wacky times. The pandemic might have stopped us from doing many things physically, but it will not break our mental resolve.
We are proud to be Singaporeans. This page has always stood side by side with Singapore. As a small page, we may not influence many, but we strive to contribute as much we can to the nation by the articles we wrote. It is our hope that every Singaporeans and residents benefit in some form or another by reading our blog.
Today, we stand with you, with Singapore to celebrate our independence day. Stand up for Singapore, be one people, one nation. This is where we belong, this is our Home.
There is no Place I'd Rather be.
Stand as one united people.
Stay Safe!

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