Patriot - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal


 Daily Dose: It's fine to be a patriot

Contrary to earlier reporting by the main media, although there are laws that stipulated that fines will be imposed on those flying the flag from Oct 1, till date, no one has been fine for it. Edwin Tong, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth had stated that "no one has ever been fined for this, nor do we plan to do so."

In other words, it's fine to be a patriot. You will not be fined.

1 ) 23 New Covid19 Cases

  • 16 Dorms (10 Quarantine 6 Survelliance)
  • 3 Community ( 1 Quarantine, 2 Surveillance)
  • 4 Imported cases
After a week of low numbers, the Covid19 cases edge up to above 20 for the past 2 days with the majority of cases from dorms.

Community cases for the past week if any are from Work Pass holders. However, this does not mean the general community is safe as there is no mass test of the population.

Imported cases are from India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

2) Singapore to lift border restrictions to some visitors from Australia and Vietnam

While Singapore has lifted, going to both countries for holidays is not possible as both have a ban on overseas travel for the foreigner.

Source: CNA

3) Electricity Tariff for the household to rise by 9.3% in Oct to Dec

Time to switch to Open Electricity Market Supplier.

Read our tips to choosing an OEM at this link.

Source: CNA

4) No plans to fine those displaying Singapore Flag after Sep30

While the law is there, action will probably not be taken if you are still flying the flag today.

Source: Today

5) MAS Orders Wirecard to cease payment services

Do note if you have Wirecard Services.

Source: Today

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