7 Days - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

7 Days


Daily Dose:7 Days

7 days in a row. That's one week without any local transmission. This is a welcome relief since Circuit Breaker was introduced more than 7 months ago on 7 April. It is our FIRST week without any local transmission!

We had (hopefully) gone through the worse of it with the spread of the virus in the dorms. Despite having over 58,000 cases, we had limited local community spread. There are a total of 28 deaths which represents 0.048% of the total cases which is far below the average of 2.4% worldwide. 

Despite the increasing waves globally, we are one of the few countries that seem to have it under control. Let's hope we can continue that. With borders beginning to open, we may see some spike in numbers. If we can contain that, we should be in good shape till the vaccine arrive.

1) 6 Covid19 cases

6 imported

Imported cases are from India, Philippines, UK, Myanmar. Only 1 is a Singaporean while the rest are Long Tern Visit Past and Work Permit Holders. Covid19 had highlighted Singapore's dependence on foreigners as seen from the daily imported cases. Could we be self-sufficient to prevent this?

For a small nation, it is easier said than done.

Source: MOH


2) Flat Inheritance: Onus on the executor, administrator to ensure sale or ownership transfer

Don't expect HBD to automatically do this for you. For a sole owner, it is important to let your family members know who the executor of your will is. 

Source: Today


3) Hawkers in Singapore recommended to be included in Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage List

This will be a big step to recognise the unique integration of Hawkers to Singapore's way of Life. Itis not to say that food is always good, but we cannot deny that Hawker Food has always been the main staple of Singaporean's food choice.

Source: ST


4) HDB Launches over 11,000 flats including 5795 BTO units in 5 towns.

Will you BTO with me?

The almost standard wedding proposal in Singapore.

Source: Today


5) DBS Roll out voluntary job-sharing scheme where 2 employees share on full-time role.

Buy one get one free?

Would this mean that salary will halve too?

Source: ST


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