How Safe Are Your Loved Ones in Residential Care - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

How Safe Are Your Loved Ones in Residential Care


How Safe Are Your Loved Ones in Residential Care?

When your loved ones are aging and can no longer offer optimum attention as you would like to, residential care is usually one of the best options to take. However, you may be a little worried about their safety, especially at these prevailing times with the COVID-19 menace. The good news is that your loved ones' safety is always a priority when living in a residential care home. If you're worried about their safety, the below practical applications will help you appreciate the health measures put in place in the homes.

Virtual Visits

While physical visits have almost come to a halt, you may still want to communicate and connect to your loved one. In such an instance, phones and video calls are instrumental in keeping the bond alive even when you are miles apart. Cards and letters are also not a good option as they can be media transference of the infection.

You can also make pre-recorded family videos and send them to your loved ones to let them know that you are thinking about them and wish them to have a peaceful time.

No Strangers

Even before the global pandemic outbreak, the safety of your loved one in the residential care facilities was still top-notch. For instance, they have limited access to entry to specific people.

For instance, not everyone can pop up to the facility and request to visit your loved one. Through this approach, it eliminates the risk of potential harm by suspects when your loved one is in expert-recommended residential care facilities like Arcare for the elderly. The visiting party should be part of the next of kin contacts in your loved one's details.

Typically, it should be someone they know and can easily recognize even when age is catching up. In other instances, one may need to call in advance to schedule a visiting appointment. In most cases, if someone showed up to visit your loved ones, the facility would call up the primary family member who put them up in the home to confirm whether the visitor is known to them and can continue with the visit.

Visitors also need to sign a book indicating the date and time of their visit for official records. They will also need to show their official documentation like the national ID card and give their contact information and address. If the residents don't wish to see someone, the facility will uphold their wish and will request the visitor to go away.

Additionally, the visits are strictly on visitation days, unless on exceptional circumstances. It is also essential to remember that the residents' health records are private and confidential only to the staff attending to them. Therefore, you have no worries that their information may leak to the wrong hands, which may damage their comfort in knowing their security is a priority.

Visitation Limits

When your loved one is in a residential care home, visiting them is not a casual affair like going to the grocery to get your supplies. Instead, the facilities put limitations on the visitors allowed to see your loved one. In the current COVID-19 global scare, visitation is not a priority as it may jeopardize their health. Please remember that the elderly are more susceptible to acquiring the infection and form a more significant percentage of the casualties. However, you may have a few exceptions to see your loved ones if it is necessary. Even in such a situation, stringent measures are put in place.

Safety Health Measures

Just like the norm in other institutions, sanitization is a top priority. Remember, even when visitors are not allowed to see your loved ones, some instances may call for special exemptions. In such scenarios, washing of hands with running water and soap is upheld. Sanitizing follows after that.

Additionally, a temperature check is also done at the entrance to prevent transmissions if one has the symptoms. In other instances, after the security and health check-up to ascertain your physical state, you are allowed to see your loved ones. However, you may have a glass barrier that will limit the contact between the two parties to minimize infection risk. Furthermore, one will still need to wear the recommended face masks and gloves to limit physical contact.

Consequently, with all the above measures in place, you can be sure that your loved ones are safe in the residential care facility. Therefore, you can rest assured that no unwarranted parties can reach your loved ones without proper scrutiny. Most importantly, also remember that their security will start with you too. Therefore, if you have the disease or you are at risk of developing it due to the exposure, you should also avoid visiting the facility.

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