Sweet November - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Sweet November

Daily Dose: Sweet November

November started off well with 2 consecutive days of zero local transmitted cases. November shows promises of new beginnings and it might just be the best month of the year. This month marks the US Election that could have ripple effects on our economy and the world's fight against Covid19. On the home front, holidays are just around the corner. If we continue to have low cases and high take up rate for trace together, Phase 3 might just be coming this month.

It's going to be a Sweet November. Then again, I might be totally biased since it was the month I was born. 

1) 4 Covid19 cases

  • 4 imported 
  • 0 community.

The community registered 2 consecutive days of zero cases. The same cannot be said of imported cases where cases mainly worked permit holder from the Philippines and Indonesia. 

Source: MOH


2) Peninsula Shopping Center added to the list of recently visited place by Covid19 cases.

Do note if you had been to the following location

26 Oct 1655 to 1900: Jetspeed Travel Pte Ltd.

Source: Gov.sg


3) Late November target as details of Hk-Spore Travel Bubble being finalised.

Would you go on a holiday this year?

HK is likely to be the only destination open to Singapore residents for holidays. Like Singapore, there were 0 cases for the past 2 days. Prior to that, a handful of cases were reported daily.

Source: ST


4) Robinson customer in limbo over unfulfilled orders as suppliers await payment.

The closure may not be as straightforward as many customers who ordered mattress find their orders in limbo.

Source: CNA


5) Le Meriden Sentosa Shutters its doors from November

Far East is said to be taking over the property and will be rebranding it in 2021.

Source: TWD


6) US Presidential Election is on NOV 3.

Just one more day to the US Presidential Election. It's Trump vs Biden. Who will come out tops?

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