Money or Your Life? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Money or Your Life?


Daily Dose: Money or Your Life

We all have heard this saying. Be it from watching too many Jack Neo gambling-related movies or playing police and thief, this phase 'Money or Your Life' would always come up. The line is best demonstrated during the Foot Locker's Adidas limited edition launch where hundreds gathered at Foot Locker to get their hands on it. The reason - mainly to flip it for a couple of bucks despite the current Covid19 situation. There may be some true blue fans, but shoes or your life does not sound any better.

Money or Your Life - You decide.

1) 5 Confirmed cases

0 local community case. The 5 imported cases are from Indonesia, US and short term visitor from UK and Indonesia. One of the short term visitors is a child of a Singapore PR and the other was here for a marriage to a Singaporean.

Source: MOH

2) Jurong Island traffic accident led to 22 people taken to hospital

Despite it's small footings, accidents do happen. IT was an accident between a bus and a car that lead to 22 people taken to the hospital. 

Source: Yahoo

3) Foot Locker Orchard ordered to close for 10 days after crowds gather for the event.

They would have anticipated the crowd due to past activities and better implement crowd control if they choose to hold it. It was such a hoo-ha that even riot police were on standby. Frankly, they should just move their limited edition goods online and do a live lottery. On that note, having the store close down does not punish the individual owner(s) that approved this idea. They should be taken to task as well. Meanwhile, will the hundreds that braved Covid to get their hands on the coveted shoes, will they be punished too?

Source: ST

4) Phase 3 unlikely by end of the year unless more uses TraceTogether

One of the main criteria is Trace Together Token usage to be at 70%. Currently, it is only at 50%. The other criteria are keeping to rules. Generally, the   public is doing that but there are black sheep such as 30 people gathering in Tekka Centre, 75 people gathering at Gemma Steakhouse for dinner and Foot Locker large crowd event.

Source: ST

5) Water spout was seen off Southern Singapore

Another weather phenomenon spotted in Singapore on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Source: Today

6) Animals in The Animal Resort to be rehomed. There will not be an alternative site for The Animal Resort

The owner was offered an alternative but found the site to be unsuitable. The area will most likely to be converted to industrial use with JTC taking over the site.

Source: Today

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