Personal Learning Devices for Students: What you need to know? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Personal Learning Devices for Students: What you need to know?

From 2021, all secondary school students will own a Personal Learning Device by end of 2021.

There are many questions raised from this announcement. Given that this is a widespread exercise, more information will be provided by the school in 2021. In the meantime, these are the common questions asked and the answers to them.

When will the student get the laptop?

This will be rolled out in 2 phases. Phase 1 will comprise of 86 schools and Phase 2 will have 66 schools. They will receive PLDs by Term 2 and Term 3 of 2021 respectively

Can the student choose the laptop or tablet?

The choice of laptop or tablet will be provided by the individual schools. Some schools may restrict to one specific model for use. Students would have to purchase that particular model for individual schools.

Can the student omit out and use their own laptop?

Getting the PLD from the school list is compulsory. Students are not allowed to get their own laptops. Each PLDs will be installed with Device Management Applications to provide a more regulated environment to support cuberwellness.

Are there any exemptions?

Graduating students in 2021 will not be included in the roll-out devices as they have less than one year in school left. Nevertheless, schools will be given the flexibility to decide id they wish to facilitate the purchase of PLDs for their graduating students.

How much are the PLDs? Are they going to be expensive?

MOE's bulk tender will lower cost of PLD for Students. Prices would be dependant on the models chosen by the school. For example, some schools are choosing the iPad with Apple Pen and the package cost about $800 +

Do I have to pay for the devices? Can I use Edusave?

The deceives are not free.

Singapore students can use their Edusave Account to pay for a PLD selected by the school. There was a one-off Edusave top-up of $200 provided in April 2020 to all eligible Singapore Students in primary and secondary schools. Most students will have sufficient funds in their Edusave Account to pay for the devices. A typical Secondary school student should have about $1000 + in their Eudsave Account. Balance are payable by cash. 

What if Edusave is insufficient and I cannot afford to pay for it?

MOE will provide additional support for all students on MOE's Financial Assistance Scheme. These students will be provided with a subsidy before Edusave Account is tapped to pay for PLD. Should there still be insufficient funds, MOE will provide further financial support to pay for the remaining cost. There will be no out of pocket payment required for those who require financial assistance.

To check the balance in Edusave account, you can call +65 6260 0777

Would Primary Schools be included?

A small scale pilot will be conducted with upper primary students in 5 schools next year. The schools are Chua Chu Kang Primary, Frontier Primary, Junyuan Primary, River Valley Primary and Yio Chu Kang Primary.

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