Back to school checklist : 6 Things to Prepare for 1st Day of School - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Back to school checklist : 6 Things to Prepare for 1st Day of School

 School will start for most on Jan 4.

With the exception of K2, Primary 2 to 6 students, all others will start on Jan 4. Other than the uniforms, school bag and books, there are other things to prepare for school. This year, there would be additional items in the back

Use this checklist to prepare for going back to school!


Prepare an additional set of Facemask in the bag. There will be times when we forget the kids need mask in school and dropped them off maskless when we send them.

Pocket Money

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Prepare Pocket Money for the children. A meal during lunchtime with drinks cost about $3 to $4 in Primary and Secondary school. To save time, prepare a week's worth of allowance. For secondary school students with CCA, prepare a little more as they would need to take breakfast and lunch in school.

School SmartCard

If your child is taking the public transport, the school smartcard can be used for taking transport. Students will enjoy concessionary rates for public transport with the use of the School SmartCard. Remember to activate it at any TransitLink Ticket Office by making a minimum top-up of $5. Bring along original NRIC  / Passport / BC for verification.

TraceTogether Token

It is not compulsory to use TraceTogether Token but it will be an essential item to bring to school. If the child does not have one, the school will be distributing it to students when school starts.


Given that thunderstorm is forecast for the first 2 weeks of Singapore,  it will be prudent to have an umbrella in the bag. The last thing you want is a child to fall ill due to rain while walking to the bus stop after school.

Water Bottle

Photo by Karl Köhler on Unsplash

It can be hours in the classroom before the students can have a break. Have a water bottle handy so your child can quench their thirst in between breaks.

While these items are important. Do get your child to sleep early the day before school starts. It would not be unusual for kids to sleep late during school holidays, so it will be tough for them if they choose to sleep late the night before. Get a good rest for school!

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