Ding Bakery Review : CNY Goodies for 2021! - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Ding Bakery Review : CNY Goodies for 2021!


This year's CNY falls on 12 Feb.

This means that we have only one month plus to prepare for CNY. Other than the traditional CNY decorations to set up and reunion dinners to prepare, another must for families is CNY goodies. With Phase 3 allowing up to 8 people per visit, we still need to prepare some CNG goodies for it.


Thus when Ding Bakery approached us for an honest review, we decided to give them a try for this year's CNY Goodies. There is a 27% off early bird Promo for CNY 2021, so this made the deal sweeter. 

Ding Bakery

Ding bakery is a family-based business based in Muar, Johor. They have now expanded to all over Malaysia and to Singapore. The CNY goodies are Halal Certifed as per their website.

You may not heard of Ding Bakery in Muar, but they do have an office in Singapore at 140 Paya Lebar Road, #03-13 AZ Building. You can drop in for tasting and collection.

The ordering process is very simple. Just head to their website https://cnygoodies.sg, add to cart the items you want and do a checkout. Free deliveries are available for orders above $100. There is also same day 90 min express delivery at $16 per order.

Our delivery came without a hitch. All items that we ordered are in place. 


All the products are handmade with zero representatives. We picked popular goodies such as Pineapple Tart, Kueh Bangkit, Nyonya Pineapple Tarts and more for our review.

Award-winning Premium Melt-in-Your-Mouth Pineapple Tart (Ball)

Pineapple Tarts that melts in your mouth? 

This was exactly what this ball of Pineapple tart did in our mouth. The crust was not flaky although it is a little soft and tend to crumble with a bite. Each bite was savoury sweet, the perfect combination for a Pineapple Tart.

Award-Winning Nyonya Pineapple Tarts

The first impression was that the pineapple tart fillings were generous. A big chunk of pineapple sitting on soft crust pastry. Personally, we prefer this traditional sunflower shape over the ball-shaped Pineapple Tart because it is more old school. This pattern is usually not available any other time than CNY.

Premium Spicy Hae Bee Hiam Roll

Hae Bee Hiam is my boys' favourite CNY Goodies. They can wipe out a can within a day. That is what they did without leaving me a bite.

When I asked how did it taste, I get short replies like crispy, a little spicy, good, great. The fact that it was cleaned out within a day says it all.

Award-Winning Premium Melt-in -Your Mouth Kueh Baangki

Another 'award-winning' Goody is the Kueh Baangki. By now, I am pretty curious as to what awards were given for this goodie. Apparently, it was awarded best CNY goodies by a few well-known websites such as Miss Tam Chiak and Seth Lui

While I am no food connoisseur, Kueh Baangki has always been my favourite CNY goodie (next to Bak Kwa). This tapioca flour and coconut cream mix simply crumbles away and melts in the mouth like M&M. If I am not watching my diet, it will be finished in a day.

Crispy Salted Egg Crab Stick

Speaking about finishing a can a day, this happened to the Crispy Salted Egg Crab Stick. 

Crispy - checked
Salted egg flavour -checked
Crab Stick - Checked

An added bonus is that this is a keto-friendly CNY goodie. It may not has the pastry of traditional CNY goodies,  but the carbs are in the mid-teens for 100grams. Perfect as a snack for those watching their weight.

Salted Egg Fish Skin

Another contender for weight watchers. For those on keto diet like me, fried fish skin is the perfect go-to snack. Add salted egg and we are sold. Unlike those packeted fish skin, this is super crispy and light. It was easy to chew and we could wolf it down if we choose to.

Melt-in-Your Mouth Black Sesame Cookie

Another Melt in Your Mouth Goodie. Black Sesame cookie is an acquired taste. Either you like Black sesame or you do not. Either case, do not that this contains nut so it may not be suitable for everyone. However, if you like it, you would love this. This is a personal favourite of mine with each bite a heavenly delight that melts in your mouth.

Premium Crispy Salted Egg Seaweed Popiah Cracker

For a moment when we received the orders, we thought it was sent wrongly. We had mistaken this for Mala Fish Skin ( which they also have on their website). It turned out to be the right order as had ordered the salted eff seaweed popiah cracker. 

Do we love it? 

It tasted similar to the Salted Egg Fish Skin except that is is much lighter. Like we mentioned earlier, we could easily finish a can a day. This is no exception for this goodie. It is THAT addictive!

Premium Peanut Folded Love Letter

The boys love anything Peanut butter. They enjoyed Love Letters too. Add them together in bite-size folds and it will become a favourite snack.  Crispy and crunchy with a thick spread of peanut butter. This has become their go-to snacks for the last couple of days.


The familiar taste of Chinese New Year can be found in each bite of Ding Bakery CNY Goodies. It's fresh and tastes true to traditional flavours. For us, it is unfortunate that we finished 1/4 of it before CNY. If this goes on weekly, we would probably need to order another lot for CNY.

If you are looking to beat the crowd, shopping online for CNY would be a good choice to make. If you are still thinking about it, make your way to AZ Building for a tasting today!

Ding Bakery

Website: https://www.cnygoodies.sg/
Address: 140 Paya Lebar Road , #03-13 AZ Building Singapore 409015

TWD was provided the above for the purpose of a review.
All opinions are of our own.

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