Light to Night Festival 2021 Review: Lightshows and Art Installations - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Light to Night Festival 2021 Review: Lightshows and Art Installations


Light to Night Festival returns for the fifth edition.

Held at the Civic District from Jan 22- 31, 2021, this is one event that would literally light up the Padang and the surrounds.

Over this course of 2 weeks, there will be a hybrid experience both in-person and online. You can watch performances online while admiring the light shows at selected buildings around the Civic District. There are also art workshops in parts of the Civic Districts as well as online. Visitors the to Civic District will also get to see Onsite art installation around the area.

Here are 3 things you should not miss at the Civic District

1) Lightshows

Art Skins on Monuments : (Re)Rooting
National Gallery Singapore, City Hall Wing & Supreme Court Wing
22-31 Jan 730pm to midnight

Visions on Singapore's past and present are transformed into pixel landscape and projected on the gallery facade. Each Segment is about 1 minute long. View the show from the Padang open field.

Visuals by Jo Ho, A Singapore new media artist.

Don't miss out the neon steps to the National Gallery Singapore. 

Art Skins on Monuments: Passages
The Arts House
22-31 Jan 730pm to midnight

An intriguing display by the school of Design and Media, ITE College Central

Art Skins on Monuments: Absence of Presence
Victoria Theatre & Concert Hall
22-31 Jan 730pm to midnight

The artwork at the Victoria Theatres reflects how Covid19 has changed us, how we adapted and still adapting to this new reality. Brought to you by School of Interactive & Digital Media, Nanyang Polytechnic

Art Skins on Monuments: Generations
Asian Civilisations Museum
22-31 Jan 730pm to midnight

Creation and birth are exported in this light show. Bought to you by School of Art, Design and Media

2) Art Installations

There are several art installations around the Civic District, these are some of the interesting art on display

Arrive Arrive
National Gallery of Singapore
22-31 Jan

These wing-like structures will cause hues of light from the glass ceiling to shift around the atrium. Best view during the day!

Ways of Seeing
ACM Green
22-31 Jan

One artwork can give you many perspectives. This is a telescope that gives you a different view from all angles.

3 Art Therapy: Drop-in Activities

Take a break from exploring the festival and pop into one of the drop-in activity to create your own artwork and bring it home. The drop-in activities can be found in the National Art Gallery and the Supreme Court Wing. You can even make yourself a social distancing hat!

In view of the increasing number of Covid19 in community. it is best to experience this festival in small groups. Thankfully, it is held in open space so you could practise safe distancing while you are there.

You might want to go to the National Gallery website for an interactive description of the artwork and light show when you are there. You can access the link here.

There are also online programs during this period. Click here to watch Gallery Gigs

Light to Night Festival 2021
Jan 22-31
Civic District

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