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Another dose

 Daily Dose ; Another Dose

The main news for the day will be the approval of Moderna vaccine. This would mean that more vaccine will be available from March. While the timetable had been rolled out for seniors and front line staff, it is still uncertain how the rest of Singapore will be vaccinated. 

The current 2 vaccines have positive results from the tests. Given this situation, it would be advantageous to be ahead of the queue as you would be getting the best vaccines out there now. If offered the chance to the vaccine, it may be unwise to reject it. You never know what you are going to get in the future...

1) 18 Covid19 Cases

  • 17 Imported 
  • 1 Local

  • 1 (Case 59919) is a Singapore Permanent Resident who returned from India.
  • 1 (Case 59925) is a Work Pass holder who arrived from India.
  • 14 are Work Permit holders who arrived from Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia, of whom 9 (Cases 59912, 59913, 59914, 59924, 59930, 59931, 59932, 59933 and 59934) are foreign domestic workers.
  • 1 (Case 59915) is a sea crew holding a Special Pass who arrived from Indonesia to board a vessel docked here. He was swabbed onboard the vessel, and conveyed to a hospital when his test result came back positive for COVID-19.

After a short hiatus, a community case was detected. The community case is a Long Term Visitor pass holder who travelled to India and returned on 6 Jan.  During SNH, she was tested negative on Jan 17 (11 days upon return in Singapore) Thereafter she was tested positive on the pre-departure flight on 2 Feb.

A few interesting point to note from this case. Swab test was done only 11 days upon the arrival. The 14 days period was inclusive of the pre-departure test.  Another point to note was the frequent travel made by the Long Term visitor (At least twice in a month). Given that Singapore Residents are restricted from travelling, while high-risk countries visitors are allowed multiple travels, this is a curiosity.

2) Spore approves Moderna's Covide19 

First shipment to arrive in March. You would not be able to choose the vaccine use. As of Tuesday, 175,000 individuals had received their first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Source: ST

3) COE prices close mostly lower at end of Feb 3 Bidding.

Guess most have already got a new car or change car before CNY

  • Cat A (Cars up to 16,00cc & 97kW): S$42,000 (down from S$43,501)
  • Cat B (Cars above 16,00cc or 97kW): S$46,790 (down from S$50,100)
  • Cat C (Goods vehicles and buses): S$45,001 (up from S$40,999)
  • Cat D (Motorcycles): S$7,506 (down from S$7,589)
  • Cat E (Open category): S$49,778 (down from S$51,900)
Source: Today

4 Family still top priority for Singaporeans, but important of work has declined.

This stands in contrast to people from elsewhere in Asia, with Malaysians, Thais, Taiwanese and the Chinese much more likely to prioritise work.

Interestingly, our birthrates remain low despite that family is a top priority

Source: Today


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