Is Flying safe? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Is Flying safe?

Daily Dose: Is Flying safe?

Until now, it had been suggested that flying is a low-risk activity for Covid19. However, one stewardess was tested positive after being in a flight with 4 others. Prior to this, there were other cabin crew tested positive back in December. 

Currently, the crew are only required to self isolate if they had been to a high-risk destination for 7 days. They are required to undergo PCR tests on arrival, third and seven days following their return. This means that in between, they may be exposing the virus to the community if they travel out for their tests.  Thankfully, cabin crew are one of the first batches to be vaccinated. 

Nonetheless, the question remains on flight safety for Covid19. For this year, it is best to be vaccinated before a flight. For children under 16 where vaccination is not recommended, this would probably mean that family vacations will take a back seat for 2021. Not the best news for the kids, but it is what it is.

1) 11 Covid19 cases

11 Imported

No community cases reported. This is one of the lowest imported cases for the year. However, one of the Covdi19 positive is a 41-year-old stewardess in SIA. She was on a flight where 4 other passengers were positive. Preliminary investigations suggest she might have got the virus on the flight. This would be a game-changer as cabin crew are currently not quarantine after their flight.

• 2 (Cases 60080 and 60102) are Singaporeans who returned from the UAE.
• 1 (Case 60094) is a Dependant’s Pass holder who arrived from India.
• 3 (Cases 60081, 60087 and 60089) are Student's Pass holders who arrived from India, Indonesia and Russia.
• 3 (Cases 60095, 60097 and 60098) are Work Permit holders who arrived from Indonesia and the Philippines, all of whom are foreign domestic workers.
• 2 (Cases 60086 and 60088) are Short-Term Visit Pass holders. Case 60086 arrived from Indonesia to visit her Singaporean spouse. Case 60088 arrived from Bangladesh as a caregiver to her spouse who was already receiving medical care in Singapore.

Source: MOH

2) Travellers on Business travel pass scheme required to undergo additional Covid19 Tests

Currently, such travellers will have to undergo a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test upon return to Singapore instead of serving a stay-home notice. They are also required to be isolated in a single location until they obtain a negative result for their on-arrival test. 

As an added precautionary measure, travellers on this scheme are now required to undergo COVID-19 PCR tests on the third, seventh and 14th day of their return. An additional serology test will also be required on the third day, said MOH. 

The tests are even more stringent than those serving SNH

Source: CNA

3) Singapore tightens restrictions for Vietnam Travellers

Singapore had earlier announced that travellers from Vietnam will be allowed to go about their activities in Singapore without the need to serve a stay-home notice if their on-arrival COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test result is negative. From 1150pm Friday, all PR and LT pass holders with travel history will have to take an on arrival Covid19 PCR test and serve 14-day SHN at dedicated facilities.

Short Term travellers with an ATP with travel history to Vietnam will not be allowed to enter Singapore.

Source: CNA

4) Couple lost $277K in staycation scam.

It is unbelievable that they are willing to pay so much for a 9 room 3 nights stay. That is the cost of one HDB flat. It's more incredulous that they choose not to book with the hotel directly given the cost they are incurring. What makes this even more incredible is that the couple is only in their 20s!

On that note, scam is spiking with a 65% increase in 2020. The golden rule is that if it is too good to be true, it probably is not.

Source: ST

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