Mask Up : The Death Stare Saga - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Mask Up : The Death Stare Saga


Daily Dose: Mask Up

Yesterday, I had to approach a man to mask up. He was a dad who is giving extra 'coaching' to his kid in a sports class. There were other parents around and they were are mask up. This guy decided it may be better if unmask so his kid can hear the 'instructions' clearly. He was actually berating the child whenever he did not do well, but that is another story altogether.

Not only this is inconsiderate, but his shouting is also followed through with mouthful of saliva. When a request to mask up, he gave me a death stare and in an unfriendly tone, sarcastically thank me for reminding him. He is not the only character that does not mask up accordingly.  There were others, but I am no vigilante. 

This is just an example of how complacent we are getting with Covid19. With CNY around the corner, we do expect an uptick in community cases. After a year of living with Covid19, we should have known better, but in reality, we are getting complacent.

1) 29 Covid19 cases

29  Imported cases

Coming from a high of 58 covid19 cases with 3 community case the day before, this number is a respite. For the record, all incoming visitors including PR and Singaporeans will be tested upon arrival from Jan 25. We wonder what is the % that were tested positive upon arrival and how many of these cases for the past few days are from that group.

• 1 (Case 59846) is a Singaporean and 3 (Cases 59825, 59829 and 59830) are Singapore Permanent Residents who returned from India and the The UK.
• 1 (Case 59849) is a Dependant’s Pass holder who arrived from Nigeria. 
• 1 (Case 59854) is a Long-Term Visit Pass holder who arrived from Nigeria.
• 1 (Case 59844) is a Student’s Pass holder who arrived from India.
• 4 (Cases 59824, 59831, 59832 and 59845) are Work Pass holders who arrived from India, Myanmar, Pakistan and the UAE.
• 13 are Work Permit holders who arrived from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Myanmar, of whom 6 (Cases 59821, 59823, 59827, 59828, 59841 and 59842) are foreign domestic workers.
• 5 (Cases 59834, 59835, 59836, 59838 and 59840) are Short-Term Visit Pass holders. Case 59834 arrived from India to study in Singapore. Cases 59835, 59836 and 59838 arrived from India, Myanmar and Indonesia respectively to visit their family members who are Singaporeans or Singapore Permanent Residents. Case 59840 arrived from the Philippines for her upcoming marriage to her Singaporean fiancé. 

Source: MOH

2) 42 firms in Singapore fined for breaching Covid19 safety rules

The most common violations were firms getting their employees to report to the office although they could work from home, and for failing to put clear safe distancing markers in common areas at the workplace.

Signs that complacency is not only attributed to the individual.

Source: ST

3) Do not lay out trays of CNY goodies, practise strict hand hygiene during CNY visit.

I see a new business opportunity here... CNY goodie bags with all the CNY goodies in it for each individual visitors!

Who would like to invest in this?

Source: ST

4) Police investigating 344 people after scam victims cheated out of more than 9.84 million.

If it is too good to be true, it is normally a scam.

Forget about all the get rich quick scheme. 99.9 % of the time, you will get poor fast instead.

Source: Today

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