McDonald's Happy Meal Toys June 2021 : DC Superheros - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

McDonald's Happy Meal Toys June 2021 : DC Superheros


DC Superheros have arrived at McDonald's

Looks like we are going to have McDonald's delivery for the next few weeks. McDonald's had drop a bombshell during this Phase 2 Heighten Alert with DC Superheros Happy Meal toys.

From May 27  to Jun 23, you could start collecting a Superhero plushie with every McDonald's Meal purchase. There are a total of 10 palm size plushies to collect. While Happy Meal toys are usually targeted at kids, I am sure some adults would go ga ga over this collection.

Here is the lineup

May 27 to Jun 2:  Supergirl , Wonder Woman and Superman

Jun 3 to 9 : Robin, Batgirl and Batman

June 10-16: Cyborg and The Flash

June 17-23: The Joker and Harley Quinn

While we would have wanted Aquaman to be in the lineup, we would be contended with this set.

If you are not a fan of DC Superheros you could always opt for a book.

The Tiny Detectives: Do Fish Glow in the Dark will be the book for this period.

The series is written by Cressida Cowell, the English Children Authrou who is well known for her book 'How to Train a Dragon'

Which you would you choose?

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