Thank You - It's been a ride - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Thank You - It's been a ride


Thank you.

This past 1year plus had been a roller coaster for many of us due to COVID-19. At, I had pivoted to posting COVID-19 related posts since it first emerged in Singapore in Jan 2020.

Contrary to some assumptions, these posts that I had done are voluntary. I felt that it is my civic duty to use this platform and its reach to update readers on the COVID-19 situation. I was not paid by the Gov or companies to write any of these. In fact, my earlier posts had probably lost me a few sponsors when I was adamant about the public staying at home instead of heading out to attractions. 

 When the first update on COVID-19 was written on 26 Jan 2020, I was not expecting to continue beyond a post. As of today, I had written more than 500 posts on this topic. Some of the noteworthy moments include the time when the blog was anonymously commended during the DPM Heng Sweet Keat resilient package speech, exposure of a scam website selling surgical masks, the "live" coverage of Panic Buying at Supermarkets and the coverage of Schools with COVID19

Additionally, I added "Daily Dose" where I provided a summary of the daily happenings concerning COVID-19. You could imagine the time and resources I had committed to this. It felt like I was serving National Service all over again. There were no expectations of any returns, just a wish that this information would be useful to those reading it.

Along the way, I appreciate the new friends made on FB and the numerous comments and shares on it. Many of the new followers are those that had followed us due to COVID-19. I also like to express my gratitude to everyone who has stuck with the page and website despite our changing stance. Many knew I had made numerous errors such in spelling and grammar, but they were encouraging and forgiving.   

With the move towards easing in the coming weeks and the expectations that things will return to 'normal, I had decided to stop certain updates on this website. One of them will be the COVID-19 School list. It was a tough decision as I know that list had been useful to parents. However, with the direction Singapore is embarking on, it will just be a matter of time when COVID-19 predominates in schools and society. On other aspects of COVID-19, we will still update on FB. For now, the website will revert to focusing on family-related lifestyles and events.

It has been quite a ride. Some of you might be aware that I had recently embarked on a new career. No mean feat for someone who is staring at the big 50 over the horizon. Many are curious about what will I be doing. I would be revealing it in due course and I hope to be able to get your support as much as you have provided me over the past year. 

Till the next update. Have a great long weekend ahead.

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