Sing Post Wrong Delivery Credit Card Scam Alert: What are the Red Flags? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Sing Post Wrong Delivery Credit Card Scam Alert: What are the Red Flags?


Received this email today from 'Singpost'

As I was expecting a delivery, I had for a second thought it was real.

Nonetheless, since I had researched scams in Singapore, I decided to do some checks before clicking on the link. These are the red flags I had found

1) Email Address

An obvious red flag is the sender address. While the email was supposedly from SG Post, a click showed a very suspicious email address

2) Addresses

For authentic requests, the email address of addresses will be reflected. Additionally, if there is a record with the company, they would address you by name or surname. For this case, the email is addressed to undisclosed recipients.

3) Clickable Link address

The clickable link is towards a third party address instead of Singapore post website. 

4) No address on Shipping 

Instead of verifying the address, the link brings you to a credit card payment with Singapore Post logo. 

5 Wrong Order Number

The shipment order on the email is RY6798556402G but the one for payment is 111962998804

6 Foreign Contact number

Lastly, when we click on the order number to check, we receive a message to call for a foreign number. Since this is supposed to be from Singapore post, calling a foreign number does not make sense.


While the requested amount is not high, scammers are actually targeting your credit card details to be used for fraudulent purchases. Do be careful if you have received such emails in the future.

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