Disneyland Melaka is fake news? - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Disneyland Melaka is fake news?

 Is Disneyland coming to Southeast Asia?

A small buzz around Malaysia, Singapore and some say Batam that Disneyland will officially open its doors in Melaka.

Interestingly, the news was reported in mainstream media, such as The New Straits Times in Malaysia and was subsequently picked up by local news in Singapore, such as MS News, Today and the popular Facebook page Singapore Atrium Sales.

To be honest, we were tempted to report the news, but we needed to fact-check first. This is what we found.

1 Disney City Not Disneyland

Contrary to the reports on Disneyland in Melaka, The Rakyat Post shared that the first Disneyland in Melaka is still in the initial planning stage. An Exco member stated that the 80.9ha park will 'probably' be built in Jasin, Melaka. According to the report, the project was referred to as  Disney City. The latter does not exist in Disney Lore.

In other words, no concrete plans for Disneyland.

2 Minions shown on video screenshot 

 As far as we know, Universal Pictures own the right to Minions. It is NOT a part of Disneyland. Given how tightly the big organisations guard their brands, Disney will be crazy to use Minions instead of Mickey Mouse in the promotional video.

Another thing to note is that the castle is not the famed Disney castle BUT Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. Wierd right?

3 There is no Mickey Mouse in the press conference

During the press conference, we only saw men in suits. There was no presence of Mickey Mouse. Neither were there any signs of notable Disney officials. As for the much-touted MOU, it is may not even be an MOU with Disney.

4 No news from Walt Disney & WESTERN Press


Usually, news of this magnitude will be picked up by the Western press, and Disney will provide official news. From a quick check, there are no reports of Melaka Disneyland from any other source except selected Malaysian news sources.

As such, we can be 99.99% certain that Disneyland Melaka is fake news (for now). 

Hopefully, local news channels can verify the news and make the necessary correction so as not to mislead the Disney faithful in SE Asia. That said, don't believe everything you read on the internet!

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