Secondary School Changes in 2024 : No more Express , NA and NT Streaming - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Secondary School Changes in 2024 : No more Express , NA and NT Streaming

There will be a significant change for P6 students this year.

Students taking PSLE this year will have a different path to Secondary School in 2024. Other than the recent change from T Scores to AL scoring, this year's PSLE batch will not be streamed into Express, Normal (Technical) or Normal (Academic). This will lead to a revamp of the secondary schools we have recognised through the years.

Full Subject Based Banding (Full SSB) will be introduced to ALL qualified Schools in 2024

Full Subject banding will replace streaming, in which students take up subjects at higher or lower levels based on their strengths. Full Subject banding has been introduced into 96 secondary schools as of  2023.The full list of schools can be found here.

Full subject-based learning allows students to learn each subject at a level that best caters to their strengths, interests, and learning. Currently, under Full SSB, Express, N(A), and N(T) students are in mixed-form classes. 

Subjects under Fulll SSB

  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  •  Science 
  •  Mother Tongue
  •  Humanities 

Common  Curriculum Subjects

  • Art
  • Design and Technology
  • Food and Consumer Education
  • Music
For 2024, Full SSB will be expanded to the remaining qualified secondary schools.

Secondary School posting will continue with three PSLE-scoring bands

While there may not be Express, N (A) and N(T). PSLE scoring will be gauged across three bands- General 3, General 2, and General 1. 

Three Express-only schools - Crescent Girl's School, Tanjong Katong Girl's School and Tanjong Katong Secondary School- will require admitting a broader range of students in 2024, including students taking G2 subjects. This will affect the current AL Cut off Point for these schools.

About 80% of secondary schools will adopt this system except for IP and specialised schools. The main difference under this system is that a class would have a mixed group of G1,G2 and G3 students compared to different streams of classes in the past.

Fifth year is optional.
All students will go through a four-year curriculum for all subject bands. However, there is an option for a fifth year will remain available for those who want to take a more demanding. 

Mother Tongue Language (B) will be discontinued in 2024
Currently, students in Express and N(A) courses who face exceptional difficulties with Mother Tongue Language (MTL) and take MTL B. With full subject-based banding, MTL will be taken at G1, G2 and G3 levels.

GCE O and N Level to be replaced by Singapore Cambridge Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) Exams

To complement the subject-based banding system,  MOE will introduce a new national examination to replace the current GCE ) and N Level exams. The new exams will be co-certified by Cambridge and Singapore, known as Singapore Cambridge Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) Exams.

Specialised Schools will remain status quo... for now
Schools with specialised programmes such as NUS High School, the school of Science and Technology and Integrated Programme schools that currently take in Express students will remain status quo in their curriculum. 

Spectra and Crest currently take in N(T) Students. They will continue with a similar intake in 2024. However, there are scopes to allow students to take G1 or G2 subjects.
Post Secondary Education admission will likely be changed
The new examination framework will affect admissions into post-secondary institutions such as Junior Colleges (JCs), polytechnics, and Institutes of Technical Education (ITEs). The admission criteria are currently under review. A major change would likely lead to the expansion of the Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP).

As these changes will take place only in 2024, the impact on Post Secondary education still needs to be discovered as there are no updates on the admission criteria from 2027. However, we will keep you posted when there is more clarity from MOE. 

Information Source:

1 comment:

  1. Why they change? i am so confused!!!!!!!!!!' '(☉_☉)''


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