The Big Show has left 91.3 FM : Where are they now?
Goodbye, The Big Show?
When I send my kids to school every morning, 91.3 FM has always been on my car radio. Glen Ong, The Flying Dutchmen, aka FD and Angelique Nicolette Teo (Angel), and producer Shaun Tupaz have been my companions on the road for countless years. Together they are The Big Show.
That is until this morning. Then, unexpectedly, 2 unfamiliar voices came threw on the airwaves and threw me off guard as I was manoeuvring through the morning traffic. Instead of the Big Show, it was The Brightside with Carol and Lavinia.
Where did the Big Show go to?
A little fiddling on the radio dial to switch channels bought me to Kiss 92. While I was angst about not hearing my faithful companions, familiar voices were on the air, albeit on a different station. The Big Show is still on the airwaves, but this time on Kiss 92.
Only some people had made the switch. Shaun was on the list.
While it is 'refreshing' to have changes, old men like me are creatures of habit who prefer things the way they are. In any case, at least I still got my buddies accompanying my morning routine.
So, in a nutshell. It's bye-bye 91.3FM and Hello Kiss 92 for The Big Show!
The music is not the same at Kiss 92