Srisun Express Free Prata For Man U Fans is a masterstroke in Marketing - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Srisun Express Free Prata For Man U Fans is a masterstroke in Marketing

7 Kosong for free!

All Manchester United fans want to forget the defeat to Liverpool on Monday Morning on March 6. At a historical scoreline of 7-0, this marks a new low in Manchester United vs Liverpool rivalry. 

Taking a cue from this was the anti-Manchester United supporters who go on social media to talk about having seven kosong pratas for breakfast. 

This originated from a Springleaf Prata promo in 2019 where the outlet gave away 4 kosong prata for free for the first 10 fans who showed up wearing Liverpool Jersey when Liverpool beat Barcelona 4-0. Since then, eating Prata is synonymous with Liverpool fans.

Srisun Express took one step further. Instead of rewarding the victors, it offers Manchester United supporters who turn up in a Manchester United Jersey 7 free pratas!

Naturally, some Manchester United supporters initially see red over this promo.

Liverpool fans were not exactly happy either as they do not get free pratas even when their team wins.

At the end of the day, Singaporeans show their tenacity by turning up in doves to claim the pratas.

As for Srisun Express, they're said to be Manchester United Supporters. Regardless if their intention is to insult or console the supporters, they had put themselves on the map as a prata specialist for Football fans. That is a stroke of genius.

What they have done well

1) Reward the losers

2) Staying relevant to Football and Prata theme

3) Being super generous in the offer ( no limit was set)

4) Able to generate shares, including shares on major portals like Straits Times and Mothership

5) Kept to their promises

Well done Srisun Express. We hope they will reward Manchester United Supporters for a win instead of a loss.  After all, we are fans of the Red Devils and would not like to relive another 7 Kosong loss.

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