COE June 1st Bidding Results - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

COE June 1st Bidding Results

 COE June 1st Bidding results are out

COE jumps back up again. Only CAT E is down.

Despite the increase in COE, COE has risen again. Interestingly, the overall number of bids has fallen, but COE continues its increase. This puts the law of Demand and Supply in tatters.

Cat A (Cars up to 1600cc) had 881 bids vs a quota of 581 and decreased by $6,001. It closed at $98,001

Cat B (Cars above 1600cc) had 719 bids vs a quota of 454 and increased by $7,668. It closed at $120,702

Cat C (Goods, Vehicle and Bus) had 151 bids vs a quota of 68 and increased by $4,300. It closed at $81,801

Cat D (Motorcycles) had 972 bids vs a quota of 555  and increased by $399. It closed at $11,001

Cat E (Open Category) had 280 bids vs a quota of 124 and decreased by $4,111. It closed at $120,889

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