Improve Employee Satisfaction With These 4 Tips - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Improve Employee Satisfaction With These 4 Tips

 How would you rate employee satisfaction at your organization? 

With employee satisfaction levels dropping worldwide, the Japanese are the least satisfied, and India comes out on top for the most satisfied workforce. What you do and how you treat your employees can play a massive part in how successful your business is and what you are able to achieve.

Find you are looking to boost your employee satisfaction scores. These tips can help you get started.

Don't Micromanage

Micromanagement can lead to added stress and a negative working environment. Evidence shows that middle managers or business owners who micromanage have issues giving over control, and this type of constant pressure and monitoring can impact employees' ability to do their jobs and get the results they need. A negative work culture can result in a lack of morale, higher turnover, absences, and disengagement.

Be Flexible

Being flexible over schedules can give people autonomy to pick their own working hours around the needs of the business. While you might have your core working hours, allowing employees to work around these hours can help to build a more positive working environment, reduce absences, and increase staff morale. Let's say you need your employees to work from any location between 10 and 3 pm exclusively every day. This is only 5 hours, but they work 9 hours a day. The other working hours can be at their discretion, and as long as they complete the work required and put in the time, they can pick and choose when they work outside of your core hours. Using service scheduling software can help you keep track of employees' working hours on the go and make sure they’re where they need to be, while effective clocking-in software can help those in the office track their hours so you know exactly where everyone is.

Recognize and Reward

While offering adequate remuneration for services rendered is always going to be welcomed by any employee, giving them recognition and rewarding them for a job well done will also be something they would appreciate. Employees need to know that both their work and their effort are valued and appreciated by management, and taking the item to feed this back to them can help you to improve employee satisfaction levels and build a team that is happy to come to work and carry out their job roles as they know they are a valued and protected member of the team.

Improve Communication

Improving internal communications using tools such as intranet software, emails, and manager cascade meetings can help ensure that everyone is kept in the loop and that all information is received by those who need to know it. However, communication needs to be a two-way process, and you should have an open-door policy so that everyone feels confident and comfortable offering feedback and constructive criticism where required. By allowing your employees to feel heard and know that something will be done if issues are raised, you can support them in creating a positive working environment conducive to being productive and efficient every day.

Improving employee satisfaction levels isn't about doing just one thing and hoping it works. The odd dressdown Friday, or pizza for lunch isn't going to paper over any visible cracks in your workplace. You need to identify the issues in your company and look at ways you can receive them to improve in all areas that are lacking and boost employee satisfaction so you can benefit from better results.

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