Speed Camera and Red Light Camera locations in Singapore
There is a total of 335 Speed camera locations in Singapore (As of Apr 2024)
As of 1st Apr 2024, Red Light Cameras (RLC) will function as speed cameras. RLCs are painted in orange and white and accompanied by warning signs before the RLC stating Traffic Camera Zone. There is usually a road speed limit sign about it. As per the Traffic Police website, there are currently 242 active RLCs throughout Singapore.
In addition to the RLC, 29 Fixed Speed Camera Locations are deployed by LTA and Traffic Police. Other Speed enforcement areas include 5 mobile speed camera locations, 2 average speed cameras, and 57 Police Speed Laser Camera locations. Here is a list of all the speed camera locations in Singapore.
Red Light Cameras (As of Feb 2024)
Fixed Speed Cameras Locations
Traffic Police (As of Sep 2023)
Mobile Speed Camera Locations (As of Dec 2023)
Average Speed Camera Locations (As of Sep 2023)
Police Speed Laser Camera Locations (As of Sep 2023)
Regardless of whether there is a speed camera in the vicinity, drive within the speed limit.
Source: Singapore Police
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