Official Address : - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Official Address :

Our official address is at

Why the change?
Previously we were
Daddy decided to drop the and made us a full fledge .com with our new address.

It's a relatively simple process via Blogspot where he purchased a domain under our 'brand'
The cost is a relatively cheap USD 10 per year. Blogger will host the domain for us for free.

So much for the technical stuff.

In addition to the change in name, we decided to change the way we blog as well.
Post March 2012 posts are mostly a visual treat.
As of today, the blog will seek to do a transformation and would beef up our content quality.

Be patient with us, give us a chance.
In 3 months time, we would have probably complete the overhual.
Judge us then to see if we deserve to be part of your reading list.

Now we own a piece of cyberspace. Who knows this could be the brand of our lifestyle business when we are older. Maybe this is a start of something big in the future like, etc...

Anyone interested to be an Angel investor for us?

Do bookmark us and check in often!

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