Chuggington Christmas @ City Square Mall - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Chuggington Christmas @ City Square Mall

The Chuggers

Deck City Square Mall with Trains of Jolly
17 Nov  - 30 Dec 2012
Choo Choo, the chuggers are in the City ... City Square Mall to be precise.
We are big fans of Chuggington and when we were invited to meet the trainees Wilson, Brewster and Koko, we jumped on the chance to see them! After all how often do you see a real talking train in Singapore?
It's Snow Time
17 Nov - 30 DEc , 730 pm Daily, L1 City Green Park

Chuggington Entrance
We headed down to City Square Mall to catch the performance on a Sunday afternoon. To our delight we were greeted by the Chuggers hiding under a 16m tall Christmas Tree. We heard that you can even see snow here every night at 730pm till 30 Dec.  Too bad we were too early to witness it for the day.
Chuggington Holiday Fun Ticket
17 Nov -30 Dec , 11am-9pm, Spend $100 to qualify, limit to 200 children per day

We had a pair of holiday fun ticket to kick off our Traintastic adventures.  In the words of Brewster

 'Honking horns and Chugs away'
Holiday fun Ticket
There are 3 stations for us to complete with our fun tickets. First off, we had our photos taken with the chuggers. The photo comes with a nice frame and is given free with the ticket. Time to pose...
Next up, we reached the Ballon Station and we collected a ballon each.
Red please, cause that colour is the same as our favourite Chugger Wilson.
Ballon Station
Lastly we reached the colouring station where we spend a good 15 minutes giving some colour to the Chuggers. We get to watch Chuggington cartoons while we were colouring as well. I think Louis is more engrossed with the show than with the activity.
Chuggington Christmas Live Show

 1-16 Dec ( Daily , except Monday) 4pm & 7 pm with extra 1 pm show on Fri-Sun,Free

Once we completed our stations, we reached our destination, The Chuggington Christmas Live Show!

Chuggington Live Show
The crowds went wild when the Chuggers appeared. Check out the video below.

The upbeat live show lasted for about 20 mins.We were not jumping up and down as we had to be carried to get a better vantage view. Nevertheless our usually roving eyes were fixated on the stage.
We watched as the chuggers clean up the stage and taught us to recycle. There was a surprise at the end of the show. We saw snow falling down upon us!
Huge Crowd
There are quite a big crowd watching the show. There were a few interactive moments where we were invited to dance with the Chuggers. Do go early to grab a seat as I think all the kids will be at the show once the irresistible chuggers take the stage.
Snow in the City
Chuggers Meet and Greet
Meet and greet passes is available with every $50 spend (limited to 50 per session)

This is my favourite part of the event, we get to meet and greet the Chuggers up close and personal.
We even took a priceless family photo with the Chuggers. Choo Choo!
 ( You can pose for a photo with the Chuggington traines from 17-30Dec with every $10 spend)
Overall it was indeed a fantastic experience for us. If you like trains and Chuggingtons in particular, this event is not to be missed. We spotted a temporary toys R us booth selling all kinds of Chuggington toys opposite the stage,. If you looking for Christmas shopping for Chuggingtons, you may want to visit as we spotted some toys on offer there.
The Little Details
City Square Mall
180 Kitchener Road
Singapore 208539

Traintastic Promotion
Redeem exclusive Chuggington tote bag and pencil case set with $200 spend. 
There are 3 designs to collect.

17-30 Nov - Brewster
1-14 Dec - Wilson
15-30 Dec-Koko

Tote Bag

For more promotions and events, please refer to City Square Mall

The review was done at the invitation of City Square Mall to experience the traintastic adventure. No Monetary rewards were received. All opinions are of our own.

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