New Year's Resolutions for the journal - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

New Year's Resolutions for the journal

It's about us

It's a brand new year ahead of us. We had a whirlwind 2012 and we enjoyed every moment of it. It was also the year that we were exposed to sponsorship and media through our journal.

There were great experiences, good events and in some cases outings that did not really live up to expectation. Then again we could not fault anyone as it was our intention to receive each outing with open arms. Every experience, not matter how good or bad is still an experience and we are thankful for such opportunities. We feel that you would not know what is good until you learn what is not. That is a true life experience and one that our parents hope us to have.

In truth, there were instances or events that on hindsight we should not have partake. As such it leads to our new year resolutions for the journal and they are as follow
  • To continue to embrace sponsorship but on a selective basis.
We will welcome engagement that is children or family oriented. However events that does not involve us kids will be kept at a minimum to avoid distractions. After all we are a family lifestyle journal and we would like to keep it as such. Weekends are also precious to us as a family and we aim to do all events as one family.
  • To bring you the latest events and products in the market.
We will continue to embrace opportunities to showcase the events of the year (especially for kids) , the latest trends for kids and any other children related programmes or activities. In case you are thinking that we are going commercialised, we would be upfront and agreed with you. Our aim was to provide a window to a wider world to explore for kids and family . Unfortunately we could not do so with our own resources. If it was not for our journal, we would not have the privilege to witness exclusive events like the Marina Bay Countdown, spend a day at the museum or tour backstage with Voyage de La Vie on their swansong.

We decided much earlier to be open to sponsors and this lead to a different format for the journal last year. Rest assured, we have not gone to the dark side, we will strive to stay true for our reviews. There may be time sponsors may ask us to do a minor tweet and we would do it as long as it is factual. We view sponsorship as opportunities for us to explore new experiences that we would not have phantom or the opportunity to do so. Our aim is to use this journal as a platform to share with you. We are glad that our experiences with sponsors has mostly been positive till date. There is no tau huay controversy for us...yet.

We made no qualms about a sponsored post and am upfront if it is a sponsored post.. Yeah we like it to be obvious that the post is sponsored. Do note sponsored post are not paid post, rather events admission or products are provided. Most importantly we are free to write what we please. As for our views, it is always meant to be objective (most of the time) and not critical. After all one kid's meat is another kid's poison, so we rather you to have your own experience and not pre judge base on what is written.

Are all events sponsored?

It is a common misconception that all blogs post are sponsored, if only we are that lucky. The short answer is no. The long answer is that we blog about all our experiences sponsored or not, in order to document what we did, where we go, what we ate and along the way share how you can relate to it. As we are a self brand journal , we aim to fit our blog into the description.


  1. A newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity.
  2. A daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary.
We recognised that this is a privilege and not a right to be sponsored and we are thankful for such opportunities. We would like to share that it is an open secret that we look forward to expand the sponsorship with overseas trip, but no one came knocking yet. Maybe better luck for this year?With that we conclude our new year resolutions for the journal. This would probably be the last year I would be having unbridled fun before I enter the rat race with the start of Primary 1 in 2014. As such , we would maximise our time and do whatever possible to enjoy the moments of innocence.
As for our own personal resolutions, our parents do hope that we can

  • Be more confident especially in a class setting
  • Be more vocal in a group
  • Be fluent (especially Louis) in Chinese
  • Be independent and less reliant on our helper
  • Be more loving towards each other
Nevertheless they also believe in living life to the fullest, thus they do hope we can find our bearings in life at our own pace and on our own. After all...

How sad is youth that flies away
Then be happy you who may
Of tomorrow who can say?

In my own words : FOR REAL!


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