Fidgets World @ The Grandstand - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Fidgets World @ The Grandstand

Fidgets@The Grandstand
It's May Day, which means a holiday for us.Daddy decided that it is a good time to venture to the heart of Singapore , Bukit Timah district , to a place we were quite familiar with ... Fidgets!


The jaw dropping shoe racks
Fidgets was recently renovated and reopen for business on 28 March. The refreshing facelift was in conjunction with the revamping of the former Turf City to a cool Coliseum known as The Grandstand.
The first thing that struck us was the enormous shoes racks found in Fidgets. It is by far the largest shoelace we have seen anywhere in Singapore. I think it can house at least 1000 pairs of shoes !
In front of the shoe racks are the stroller parking lots. Strollers are not allowed in the playground but from what we see, there should be enough space for parking. However if the place is really filled with 1000 people, we do not think there would be enough space to hold the same number of strollers. The new Fidget is bigger, but not that big...

Lockers are available and free to use. Get the key from the counter, but don't lose it!
Fidgets World
We noticed that Fidgets had changed their logo to Fidgets world. Our guess is that it should be known as Fidgets World @ The GrandstandThat is until Daddy pointed out that we must read the rules of play which we dutifully choose not to.

Back to the playground.upon entry we we met with a sign directing us to the choice of play. Naturally we ignored it and head straight into the play structure in front of us.
Yeah , you can say we are very focus for our age.
Where should we go?

Main play area

We zoom straight to the core of action. The 3 individual play structure that consist of horizontal flying fox, 70degree slides , ball pits and more.
The main play are would most like suit kids age 4 and up however that did not deter my 2 year old Didi from joining me in the arena.
As for me, I decided to practise some monkey antics on the flying fox.
Given that there are 3 main structures, there are sufficient space for kids to roam. The easiest structure will be the one on the right closet to the entrance and it comes with a ball pit. The middle structure is a series of climbing obstacles.
The most exciting area would be the last structure on the extreme left. This is where you will encounter the 70 degree slide. You will feel gravity pulling while on the way down. Younger tots do need to take note.

There are signs that states adults are not suppose to be on the slide. The climb on the way up also make it difficult for bigger size adults to follow. Nevertheless we did catch a few including our Daddy testing it out... Shhh don't tell the management or it will, get him into trouble.
The exciting slide
For caregivers, there are also seats by the side of the structure for them to laze be station to watch over us. The seats are rather comfy, so parents , don't feel shy about plonking yourself there to relax.
If you find the play structure familiar, you would not be the only one. These are the same structures as before. However there is an upgrade on the flooring as it is now well padded in different hues of yellow and green.
Plushy sofa seats

Toddler Zone

Zoom zoom area
The well love toddler area consisting of cars, mini ball put and slide are still in Fidgets. They have been shifted next to the cafe. It is separated from the main area by a wall albeit one with cloud windows. We think this arrangement is good as it would prevent the older kids from invading the toddlers' space.
Toddler's Zone
Overall this playground is as good as it gets. We like the refresh look and feel of Fidgets. It feel's like one of the biggest playground we have been to date. Kids age 2 to 10 would love this joint.
By the way, we think Fidgets have remove their slogan 'Keep them moving' as we could not see it anywhere. May we humbly suggest a new slogan, 'Keep them Screaming' as the decibels generating from the screaming kids can be deafening at times.

Around Fidgets

Daddy decided to have a quick tour around the premises to explore the new areas. He saw 3 new areas of play. The Arts and Craft section, Little Bakery's Cottage and a face painting parlour. Extra charges apply for these. Do note most activities have a minimum age of 4 to apply.

Little baker's Cottage, Arts & Craft, Beauty Parlour

The charges for the individual activities are as follow,

Prices for the extra events
In addition , there is also a new cafe space in the premises. It is located away from the main play area and next to the toddler zone. For those who want to keep an eye on the kids, they may rely on the CCTV available. Although we do think the screens are a little too small to effectively track of using the playground.
Fidgets Cafe
There is also a mini walkway in the middle of the cafe. We are not quite sure of its purpose, but we can see potential such as a mini kids fashion parade for parents while they are having their meals.
Since there isn't one yet, Didi decided to volunteer his service.
The added activities are thoughtful though we Imagine it could be difficult to have kids seated when the temptations of play are just around the corner. Nevertheless the prices are quite reasonable. We like the fact that Fidgets offered unlimited play at a fix price even for weekends and public holidays. Spending $19 per pax for over 3 hours of play during the holiday is a great deal!

The Little Details 
Fidgets World @ The Grandstand
200 Turf Club Road, #03-10, S287994
Entrance fee
Below 1 and adults - Free, Age 1-2 $10, Age 2-10 $19
Art and Play $35 ( plus 1 hour art and craft)Bake &play $50 ( plus 1.5 hour baking)
Activities only for age 4 and above.
Value for money
To end off, we spotted this cocoon near the exit. It looks like a space for some sort of display. Anyone has any idea what this is for?No prize for guessing, but do leave us a comment if you know it's purpose.
The cocoon

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